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Chapter 112

    Ru Xi is completely unaware of everything.

    After participating in the idol drama awards, she returned to the crew again and immersed herself in filming.

    She paid little attention to her surroundings, which was a relief to the others.

    A few days passed, and it was the eve of Ruxi's birthday, the night of January 20th.

    After such a long time, everyone has arranged everything.

    Almost everyone related to Ruxi is looking forward to the arrival of midnight on the 21st.

    On this night, Ru Xi was delayed for a long time by the film crew.

    From her point of view, even today, for some reason, everyone's performance is not at the same level as before.

    She narrated the play to a few people who were acting abnormally, but when it was time to shoot, things still happened.

    Xu Ze seemed to be a little "annoyed", so he asked everyone to rest for a while.

    However, during this break, various problems occurred to the actors.

    Although Ru Xi wanted to go up to help, but this time she was rejected abnormally.

    Ru Xi always felt that something was wrong, and when she asked Zhou Qing, Zhou Qing persuaded her with the reason that "everyone may feel guilty".

    So, Ruxi had no choice but to wait in a place with the heater on.

    She was lying on a couch, probably due to the exhaustion of filming, surrounded by heating, and gradually fell asleep.

    Seeing her sleeping, Zhou Qing didn't remind her, but hurried to the door and looked out.

    Seeing that everyone was counting the time, he smiled lightly and stepped back.

    The time passed minute by minute, and finally came to twenty-three fifty-nine.

    There was a sudden exclamation from outside, which quickly woke Ruxi up.

    "What's the matter? What happened?" Ru Xi pushed the blanket that Zhou Qing draped over her to the side, and hurriedly led Zhou Qing outside.

    As soon as he went out, all the lights outside suddenly went out.

    At the corner of the corridor next to it, a cart with a large and exquisite cake and candles stuck on it was slowly pushed over by the crowd.

    At this moment, the bell on the tower in the distance rang.

    Beams of meteor-like light suddenly rose from nearby places, and after flying into the sky, they exploded with a bang.

    The sound of fireworks is very loud, but the singing in the mouth of the crew is clear and distinct.

    "Happy birthday to you~Happy birthday to you~..." The

    crew pushed the cake trolley closer and closer, and the orange-red firelight shone on the smiling faces, warmer than all the colors.

    Ruxi finally remembered something.

    Looking at everything around her, moisture gradually appeared in her eyes.

    The cake cart finally stopped in front of her, and the singing of the crowd just finished.

    "Xixi (sister), happy birthday!"

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