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Chapter 105

    The topic of #贺文秤好做# was confusing at first.

    Click in and see a video from the interview room of the Phoenix Awards.

    This place is easy to recognize, because many celebrities have been interviewed here after the Phoenix Awards, and those videos are still posted on Weibo accounts of many media.

    The picture quality is clear and the sound recognition is high, so there is no possibility of counterfeiting.

    Especially when He Wenxiu looked at the reporter who asked the question about his press card, it was very clear.

    Combined with the previous hot search for a male star with the surname H, everything came to light.

    Netizens who ate melons the day before followed up one after another, and the topic immediately boiled over.

    [Yo heh, amazing! ]

    [The topic of threatening the reporter yesterday was still said to be rumors, I don’t know how to clean up the ground today, just wait]

    [Am I the only one who focuses on why other media are silent? ]

    [Upstairs, because other media dare not offend people]

    [The owner of this account is also very brave, and even posted the video directly]

    [This trending search has not been suppressed? Is this someone kicking on the iron board? ]

    [Come on, kick up, let everyone see the truth! ]

    [I hope the account owner is fine! ]

    [My God, what a story! ]

    [I really didn't expect the famous He Xiaotian Wang to be such a person, I thought it was just his fans who were a little crazy]


    He Wenxiu's team soon discovered this problem.

    From the meeting with Yuan Ting, Zhang Yuanshan deduced from her words that this matter has nothing to do with Ruxi.

    The question is, which god did He Wenxiu offend? At this time, it will be impossible to find out.

    As soon as this video came out, Zhang Yuanshan lost his hair even more.

    From the perspective of this video, combined with the monitoring in the interview hall, it can be deduced who took this video.

    But when they deduced it, they found that the reporter had long since disappeared.

    He wanted to start from Weibo, but there was always a hesitant attitude, which proved that this troublemaker was definitely not something to mess with.

    If things continue to deteriorate, He Wenxiu's reputation will really be rotten.

    So, early in the morning, He Wenxiu, who had been guarding Ning Lu's hospital bed, was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

    Ning Lu's eyeballs moved, looking as if she was about to be woken up, He Wenxiu quickly swiped to answer the call, then pressed it to her ear, stood up and walked out.

    Zhang Yuanshan's voice over there was very anxious, and the volume could not be controlled.

    In fact, Ning Lu, who had already woken up, heard something—something happened on the Internet again.

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