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Chapter 9

    When it was Ruxi's turn to shoot the first scene, it was the last scene of the afternoon.

    Everyone was still a little puzzled, why this scene was filmed at the end.

    If Ru Xi's acting skills are not good, according to the degree of caring for the director's fault-finding, she will definitely keep filming until the scene is over.

    But everyone is short of energy, and they are all waiting for dinner.

    If Ruxi doesn't perform well, many people will complain about her.

    As for Ruxi herself, as if she didn't understand this matter, she was very calm and didn't appear to be in a panic.

    She had already cut the man's short hair, put on makeup, and changed costumes in advance.

    Ruxi herself has straight shoulders and a thin waist, with her chest tied up a little, and she looks a bit handsome in the well-regulated suit in the play.

    Then, through the miraculous technique of the makeup artist of the crew, her entire face was blunted, her eyebrows were thickened, the bridge of her nose was widened, her lips were thinned, and a fake Adam's apple was added to her neck.

    When she left the dressing room, she attracted the attention of many people.

    At this time, Ruxi still maintained her usual peaceful expression, and she looked a bit weird with the men's clothing.

    A few actresses who had just joined the group, seeing her nondescript appearance, kept winking at the others.

    After getting a little farther away from Ruxi, they laughed softly.

    "My God, just like her, she still plays Wanli?"

    "The inside story, right? How much did you get in here..."

    "I asked my assistant to find out that this Ruxi family has a lot of money." Qian, her uncle is still a senior executive of the company she signed, no wonder..." The person who said this had a sour tone.

    "It's a good thing we didn't laugh at her face to face just now, but this is too... isn't it said that Gu Daotie is selfless? How could he agree with her to play Wanli? If the performance is too bad, will we have to find her again?" Someone make up for it?"

    "Tsk tsk tsk..." The

    last person just finished sighing, suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, and followed the eyes of others.

    I saw Xiao Na standing not far from them, frowning and staring at them, she must have heard their complaints.

    Even if they just came here not long ago, they know that Xiao Na and Ru Xi are having a good time.

    Now they speak ill of others behind their backs and are caught on the spot, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

    "Let's go, let's go to rehearse tomorrow's play..." One of them tugged at the sleeve of the actress next to him.

    Everyone seemed to be pardoned, and hurriedly echoed, "Yes, let's go."

    Seeing several people leave in a hurry, Xiao Na's face still did not improve.

    She was very angry in her heart, and said "hum" in a delicate voice.

    Thinking of what these people said just now, Xiao Na turned around and looked at Ru Xi who was waiting to play.

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