Poems - Prologue.

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Adria Hopkins was never one to go looking for trouble, and trouble never went looking for her either. In fact, the mere thought of getting in trouble sent a shiver up the young girl's spine. Being a muggle-born witch at Hogwarts always made her believe that stepping out of line would earn her a one-way ticket back home, only she could see the logic in that.

She wasn't particularly good in any of her subjects, it was hard for her to understand why considering the amount of work she so desperately put in to at least try and do well but unfortunately for her, she just couldn't do it. Whilst she wasn't particularly good with potions or any class, she was good at writing. She wrote what she thought of and that mostly seemed to be poems and whilst she was fascinated by the idea of magic, and her love for her wand, she couldn't shake her love of writing.

Almost all of Adria's spare time was spent tucked away in one of the many window seats that Hogwarts had to offer, alone with her thoughts thinking about what she could write next. She loved the stars and she loved to love, both of which were the main topics of her poems, and even though she loved magic she found herself rarely ever writing about it.

The young girl, at the age of thirteen, was trying her best to fit in at Hogwarts but it seemed hard for her considering she didn't have any friends. She was very shy when it came to people, and although she did say hi here and there in the hallways to her fellow classmates, that was all she could muster.

Adria was almost certain that the sorting hat made a mistake when it placed her in Gryffindor. She didn't think it was possible for herself, the shy girl who could barely speak to her professors or most students being placed in the house that honoured bravery.

In her first year at Hogwarts, as she sat on the stool with the sorting hat placed upon her head she was embarrassed to say she was a hatstall. It took the sorting hat five minutes and seventeen seconds to finally place her in Gryffindor when she thought she was much more suited for Hufflepuff. The two spent the majority of the time in a heated argument about the two houses. Adria didn't mind which house she was placed in until the time came, she knew she didn't deserve to be a Gryffindor because she simply wasn't brave, but in the end, the very stubborn hat won and finally placed her in Gryffindor.

Now two years later in her third year at the school, Adria still felt as though she didn't live up to her houses wishes. She still wasn't over the fact that she wasn't placed in Hufflepuff when she worked as hard as she could, she knew she could never be a Ravenclaw with her lack of intelligence with magic and she was definitely sure that she would never be a Slytherin, she was nothing like them.

Whilst the house she was in shouldn't be her main problem, she couldn't help think of it here and then. Her parents attempted to reassure her that even though they weren't educated on magic, a hat that could talk must always be right. She knew they were only trying to help but their words didn't reassure her at all.

The girl hoped for her third year to be a little more eventful than her first two, she enjoyed alone time but being alone with her thoughts tended to be rather dull most of the time. She loved to explore the castle to find more things to write about but over the last two years, it seemed she had explored so much of it that she didn't know if the castle had any more hidden spots for her to uncover.

What Adria needed this year was friends, and whilst she thought that to be impossible considering her lack of courage, she was in for a surprise when she happened to stumble, quite literally, into a boy with black hair.

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