Poems - 5.

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Chapter 5

Adria lay on her bed in the girls dormitory, it was nine in the morning on the Sunday after James and Sirius apologised. She had just gotten back from breakfast with Lily who then went to find Severus, which left Adria alone.

For the first time at Hogwarts, she was bored.

Adria didn't know what to do, she enjoyed her own company to an extent and realised she preferred when she was with someone. It seemed as if she only liked her own company when she didn't have anyone else to share it with, apart from her notebook and the paintings. She didn't want to write, or explore the castle for some odd reason. She wanted to talk to someone, but Lily was of course with Severus and she didn't want to interfere. To be honest, Adria thought Severus didn't like her very much.

She could have went to find Remus but she knew he would be with his group and she didn't want to willingly spend time with Sirius and James even after they apologised. It was obvious they didn't want to apologise and it clearly wasn't sincere. Adria didn't mind very much about that, in fact she found it entertaining above anything.

She couldn't take the silence much longer, sitting up in the room to the obvious emptiness. Adria groaned, pushing herself up and out the door. She could hear voices from the common room and pushed herself back to grab her notebook, she couldn't hear any of the voices of the group of four thankfully. She wanted to see Remus, considering they were friends but she didn't know if she was desperate enough for company to put up with his friends too.

Adria made her way down the stairs to the common room were people surprisingly waved and smiled at her, she returned the gesture happily as she exited the common room. She felt genuinely happy that people took the time to do that for someone they hadn't even talked to, it picked up her mood drastically.

She considered going to the library to catch up on homework, but her and Lily had finished all the homework they needed to on Friday with the Potions homework. Adria hoped she would never have to do something as hard as that again, and if she did she hoped it'd be properly explained.

She passed a few hallways, to which the paintings greeted her but she never sat in the window seats they provided her. She politely responded to the paintings until she turned the corner onto another hallway, to which those paintings greeted her too. She must have greeted at least over one hundred paintings until she ended up outside. She felt slight guilty for not knowing all the paintings, or who they were.

The sun was shining down on the castle, which everyone seemed to enjoy as it was fairly busy. Adria slipped through students who laughed with their friends, and waved to some she knew from her year. She attempted to sit down alone amongst the crowd of students but she was easily overwhelmed with the amount of bodies near her and quickly walked away.

She made her way down to the lake where she saw the group of four the last time, apart from them it was very relaxing as far as she could remember and the view was very nice also.

Adria stopped in her path as she heard the all too familiar voices in the distance and wondered if she truly was desperate enough to put up with them. She debated in her mind if she should or not until her shoulders slumped and she continued to walk. She was truly desperate, besides Remus would be there to make it bearable.

"Adria, just the girl I wanted to see!" Sirius beamed, rushing towards her. Adria's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Sirius pulled her with him to the group of three waiting.

"That's a sentence I never thought I would hear from you..." She trailed off suspiciously, curious as to what they were doing.

Sirius ignored her words as he placed her in the spot he wanted her, Remus was sworn to silence as he sat the other way. He didn't want to be in any part of this, which was why he kept his mouth shut. His friends had made it their goal to annoy Adria as much as they could, with the excuse that 'her reactions were quite funny' which to Remus wasn't funny at all.

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