Poems - 97.

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Chapter 97

"Now, class," Professor Sprouts voice boomed through the herbology class. Adria sat beside Finn who had been a common partner for her, seeing as they both excelled in the class it seemed only fitting to be partners whenever they had to pair up, so that allowed them to sit together every other day whenever they entered the greenhouses.

Adria's head leaned on Finn's shoulder as she took in what Professor Sprout said, but she really couldn't care, most Professors where going on about O.W.L revision even though they still had a few other things to go over, and all Adria wanted to do right now was crawl into bed, either Sirius' or hers, she really didn't care.

"Can anyone tell me what Incendio is?" asked Professor Sprout, looking over at all the students who failed to raise their hand.

Adria sighed as she lifted her hand into the air, pushing herself off of Finn and up straight, she awaited Professor Sprout to see her hand and when she done, "ah yes, Adria, could you tell us?"

"Incendio is the fire making spell, or also known as the fire making charm. It's a charm and a form of conjuration which can be used to conjure a jet of orange and red flames, which of course, set's something on fire." Adria recited from what she had remembered of the spell from one of her books she had read over multiple times, the spell had been taught a while ago but Professor Sprout, and all of Adria's others professors where making sure to go over everything they could with their students.

"Very well, Adria, ten points to Gryffindor," Adria let a small smile fall on her lips as she nodded at her professor. She would never have thought back at the start of third year, or second or first year that she would be one of the students able to get points for her house, but here she was, and every time she seemed much happier than the last.

"Oh, ten points to Gryffindor for our star pupil," Finn joked as they walked out of the herbology class, teasing Adria as they done so. She rolled her eyes as she clutched her book, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder as the two walked down the corridor.

"Oh, shove off, Finn," Adria rolled her eyes, "or I'll tell on you."

"You'll tell on me?!" Finn laughed out loud, shaking his head as he done so, "to who, are you going to owl my mum?"

"No, I'll just tell Milo so he won't kiss you," Adria smirked, sticking her tongue out at him whilst he rolled his eyes.

"I'm irresistible, Ads, Milo can't help himself," Finn grinned, earning a laugh from Adria.

"I love you and Milo," she sighed, "I wish I could just chill out with you two instead of doing O.W.L-"

"Adria!" the girl looked up at the sound of her name, frowning as she looked around, catching the sight of the Hufflepuff rushing up to her.

"Eugene, hi!" Adria grinned, waving slightly at the boy in her year, she watched Finn give him a wave which the boy returned to each of them.

"Hi, Adria, I was wondering, if it's not too much trouble," Eugene sighed, rolling his eyes as he gestured to his Herbology text book, "would it be okay if you, um, if you tutored me, I guess, I'm pretty much failing herbology and you're so good at it!"

Adria let out a laugh at his words, but of course she nodded her head, "Of course, Eugene, I'd be happy to help!" Adria grins, "I'm busy tonight but meet me in the library tomorrow, yeah?"

The boy nodded his head with a wide grin, "Yes, thank you so much, Adria, really I owe you big time!" Eugene grins, bidding the two a good bye before rushing off down the hall.

"Ohhh, you and Eugene huh?" Finn teased, wiggling his eyebrows as he nudged Adria who merely rolled her eyes whilst a scoff erupted from her lips.

"Oh yes, it's not like I have the best boyfriend in the world," she chuckled, pushing Finn as she done so, "did I tell you what happened?" she asked, referring to her Christmas break which had ended only a few weeks ago.

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