Poems - 87.

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Chapter 87

The multiple notes sprawled over Adria's desk in the library was enough to keep her busy for the full afternoon she was there for. She hated having to stress over her classes but the multiple times she had skipped this year was really taking a toll for the worse, her professors had told her multiple times that she really didn't need to worry about the work she had missed, but she couldn't help herself, she was already stressing about her O.W.Ls even though Halloween had just passed.

She wanted to know as much as she could, so missing a few classes would really dampen her performance during the exams, and that was the last thing she needed.

What was really irritating her, though, was the sound of girls muttering and giggling quietly to themselves at a table close to her, she didn't think anything of it at first, merely just getting on with her work, but that was until she heard her name falling from one of the girl's lips.

If it hadn't been for the fact that their giggling stopped for a few moments, then she would never had heard it, but now she was more curious than ever to know why they were talking about her. Of course, there was the possibility that they were talking of another Adria, but the name was uncommon, so it wasn't likely.

But then, it happened, as Adria sat there, trying her best not to move forward to hear, she didn't need to, the girl's voices had rose to the point where it was the only thing she could hear. She wondered where the librarian was, but she couldn't see her anywhere, "didn't her mum die?" one of the girls whispered, earning a collection of hums, confirming her statement.

"I'd want to die too," one scoffed, throwing a look of disgust in Adria's direction, "if she was my daughter, I'd kill myself as soon as she was born."

Adria bit her lip, straightening herself up, she shouldn't let anyone's comments distract her from what was important, especially when she hadn't the faintest clue who the girls where, "you only say that because you fancy Sirius Black."

Adria felt her fist clench under the table at the mention of Sirius, she was already containing herself from them even mentioning her mother, and whilst she was sure she was trying her best to contain herself, she was almost sent over the edge with that one comment.

"No, I agree, look at her," the third snorted, casting a look of judgment in Adria's direction, faking being sick to make her friends laugh, "honestly, If I was her I'd bury myself with my dead little mummy."

That was it, Adria couldn't take it anymore, she slammed her books shut, grabbing all which where hers, and trying her best to block out the rising sound of their giggles, she stomped out of the library, making sure not to make eye contact with any of the girls at that particular table.

"Adria!" the girl turned at the sound of her voice, coming face to face with Sirius, a wide smile on his lips that soon fell when he saw the pain that had taken over her features, "baby what's wrong?" he frowned, taking her face in her hand.

"Wha- oh, nothing," she waved him off, forcing a small smile onto her lips, "where were you?"

He gave her a worried look which he couldn't seem to help, and dropping his hands, he made sure to intertwine their fingers together tightly, taking off in the direction that Adria was previously going, "well I was looking for you," he laughed, pulling on her hand to bring her closer, "but the boys and I where setting up a prank."

Adria didn't respond, she had barely heard his words, her mind was racing on who those girls where, they certainly weren't in her year and their Ravenclaw robes told her that they definitely weren't in the same house, she was rather upset as annoying as it was, that those girls could be so mean about someone that they didn't even know.

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