Poems - 42.

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Chapter 42

"I know you kissed him," Lily said for the fourth time, a smirk on her lips as she looked up from the book in her hand, Adria groaned, throwing her head back as she glared, irritation running through her.

"I never said that, and I didn't," Adria shook her head, technically not lying as the two times that her and Sirius kissed, he kissed her.

"You didn't deny it!"

"I just did!" she exclaimed, her eyes trailing around the common room until they caught Sirius with the boys, "Sirius!" she called, getting his attention instantly, and watching a smile appear on his features.

"How may I be of service?" Sirius asked, sitting beside her on the sofa adorned in red and gold.

"Did I kiss you?" she asked, taking Sirius by surprise, and judging by the look on Adria's features, he knew to say no.

But with a teasing smirk on his lips he turned to Lily, who grinned knowing the answer to come, "no."

"What?!" Lily exclaimed, "you're lying, I know it!"

"I'm not lying!" Sirius laughed loudly, raising his hands in defence, "she didn't kiss me, Lily Evans, I kissed her and she just kissed me back!" he smirked cheekily, grabbing Adria's hand and pulling her along with her.

"You two better get back here!" Lily screeched, her eyes wide as she looked at Adria who was looking between Sirius who was pulling her and Lily who looked rather angry that Sirius had took her.

"Have fun with your book, Lily!" Sirius called exiting the common room where they were greeted by the two boys, James and Peter.

"Hello boys," Adria grinned, glaring at Sirius when she looked at him, "seeing as Sirius has just dragged me from my friend, who is extremely close to killing me, I have a feeling we are working on operation A?"

"Your feeling is right!" James exclaimed, holding up the cloak in his hand and gesturing for them to follow him, "so, the plan, me and Sirius are going to sneak under the cloak whilst you and Peter talk to Madam Sprout, easy, right?"

"If we don't make it obvious," Adria nodded, "I'm sure we can get this done."

"Yeah, I think the hardest part of this plan is keeping a whole mandrake leaf in our mouth," James shrugged, turning to look between Sirius and Adria with a smirk on his lips, "how are you two gonna kiss?"

"You told him?!" Adria screeched, turning to whack Sirius' chest, "I thought we agreed not to tell anyone."

"He forced It out of me!" Sirius exclaimed, earning a scoff from James who protested.

"Are you kidding?" he laughed, "he waltzes into the dormitory like he's on a love potion, it wasn't bloody hard to know what happened!"

Adria rolled her eyes, but she allowed a small smile to fall onto her lips as she soon lead the way to the greenhouses. Madam Sprout was talking to someone that Adria couldn't see, and James and Sirius had hidden under the cloak already so they wouldn't get caught.

"Alright, Pete, we can do this!" Adria high fived Peter who grinned, "by the way, how are things with Thea?"

"Not good, I can barely talk to her Ads," he groaned, walking alongside her as they left Sirius and James behind. Adria nodded understandingly, patting Peter's shoulder as they turned the corner.

"You'll be fine, Peter, you just need to be confident with yourself. I can assure you that she isn't pranking you, and the sooner you realise that, the more confident you will be," Adria grinned, "I'll make sure to talk to her for you, but you're gonna have to show me what she looks like!" Adria laughed, knocking softly on the door of the greenhouses.

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