Poems - 50.

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Chapter 50

"What are you going to wear?" Alina asked, lying on Adria's bed with the fourteen-year-old who played with her shorter hair.

"I'm really not sure," Adria mumbled, a yawn escaping her lips as she stared up at her ceiling. The snow was falling outside a little too hard for them to go out, and the two sisters where the only ones in the house on Christmas eve, as sad as it is.

Her parents where working, and thankfully they were off for Christmas tomorrow but unfortunately, their duty called. Alfie was out with a potential girlfriend, as was Benji, both of them trying to woo each girl in their own way, but from what Adria and Alina knew, they wouldn't get very far.

"Maybe mum could take us shopping on boxing day and we can look?" Alina suggested, shrugging slightly.

"I suppose," Adria muttered, turning on her side to face Alina, "I'm rather excited but I feel a little disorganised."

"Well I don't think mum will let you go back without anything to wear, so don't worry about it," Alina giggled, patting Adria's cheek before sitting up, "y'know since you and Benji called off the prank war this year, it's been really uneventful."

"Well there wouldn't be any point in doing it if I'm only here for a week," Adria shrugged, "and I think Benji needs a break from losing," Adria giggled, shaking her head slightly and allowing her shorter curls to fall over her shoulder.

Whilst her hair was still long, she had gotten a good amount cut off it in time for Christmas, her mane was spiralling out of control, and if she left it any longer then her hair would become unhealthy to the point of no return, and whilst she would rather have her long hair back, her mother forced her.

"Can I tell you something, Ads?" Alina asked, a small frown on her lips as she clasped her hands together, she turned on her side to face Adria who sent her a small reassuring smile.

"Of course you can, Allie, you can tell me anything," Adria laughed softly, reaching over to pat her cheek.

"I know I'm not supposed to know this, but Elliot told me that Finn had a boyfriend, and it was Milo," Alina mumbled, "and I just, I didn't really know much about that. I didn't think it was an option really for boys to have boyfriends, does that mean girls can have girlfriends?"

"Well, yes," Adria nodded her head, "boys can have boyfriends like Finn and Milo and girls can have girlfriends, Finn and Milo are incredibly brave for accepting themselves because at the moment, there are a lot of close minded people in this world who frown upon it, and believe it's wrong, but it really isn't. It's love, and love wins always, and those close-minded people aren't worth our time, they are vile."

"But what if someone likes boys and girls?" asked Alina, "is that bad?"

"No," Adria shook her head, "if someone likes boys and girls then they can't really help how they feel, maybe they have strong feelings towards girls but still have feelings for boys, or maybe the opposite, or maybe they have the same amount of feelings for each, but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed that."

"I think I like both boys and girls," Alina admitted, "is that bad?"

Adria smiled, taking Alina's hand in hers, "of course not, Allie, you're incredibly brave too for figuring that out, and if you like a boy then you like that boy, the same if you like a girl, you can't help who you love, but what matters is you love them as much as you can."

"So you aren't mad at me?" Alina asked, her eyebrow raised as Adria stared at her in disbelief.

"Of course not, Allie, I'd never be mad at you for something like that," she sighed, throwing her arm around her in a tight hug, "now, if I'm honest, I think we deserve some cookies."

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