Poems -124.

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Chapter 124

"I always thought this was one of your school friends," Adria whispered, wiping a tear that had spilled from her eyes as she stared down at the picture of Alina and Lou, standing in front of the mountains with their arms wrapped around each other, and wide smiles taking over their faces. Lou was beautiful, closely resembling her brother, Adria's best friend, she wondered why he had never told her, he knew Alina, he had spoken to Alina on plenty of occasions, hell, Alina's best friend was his boyfriend's brother.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you-"

"Allie," Adria couldn't help the crack in her voice as she turned suddenly to look at her in the bedroom consisting of just them two, "you have nothing to be sorry for, you have gone through so much pain, and you are so strong, you haven't allowed it to let your smile waver, how can you cope? You are my hero, Alina, you have been far too much for a thirteen-year-old."

She sat at the edge of Alina's bed, shaking her head with a sigh and leaned forward to wipe the tear falling from her sister's eye, "Lou would be so proud of you."

At that, Alina let out a sob, shaking her head whilst Adria leaped forward to attack her in a hug, stroking her head as she let the girl cry into her, "she sounds amazing, and you know what?"

"What?" Alina asked, blinking as she looked up to her.

"Princesses can love other princesses," Adria smiled, cupping Alina's face whilst the girls mouth twitched into a small smile, "did you at all suspect Milo as her brother?"

"No," Alina whispered, "it just- I recognised the name as soon as you mentioned him for the first time, but I just, It couldn't be, that's what I thought, I had tried to push all mentions of Lou and her family to the back of my mind because thinking of her at all just set me off, Addy, I think- I was so young, but I think, I think I loved her."

"Wha- oh Allie," Adria gasped, tightening her grip on her sister, "you are so strong, so, so strong!"

"I had never thought that Milo was an uncommon name, I thought, oh there must be plenty of Milo's, and let's face it, we don't come from a family of common names, I just considered it normal," Alina whispered, wrapping her arms tightly around Adria whilst she nodded, "w-we were going to go to Hogwarts together, but back then, we didn't know it was Hogwarts, we just wanted to be with you, and Lou wanted to be with Milo, that's all she wanted, was her brother back, and what's funny is, I probably know more about him than you do because for the full time she was here all she done was talk about him, but it was okay because all I done was talk about you!"

"Milo has never told me that he had a sister," Adria whispered, "and of course, you know him, you've met him, I just, I don't understand how this is all possible!"

"I know," Alina whispered, "I always had this feeling around Milo, it wasn't weird, or uncomfortable, but familiar, I knew his accent, I'd heard it before, I knew his smile, oh man they share the same smile, Addy, but it's taken me till now to realise that."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Adria sighed, "not you, I would never want you to put yourself through that, but why not mum, or dad, or Benji?!"

"Neither Benji or Alfie know a thing," Alina muttered, "they started school two days before we went out that day, mum and dad kept it a secret from you because they didn't need that, and I didn't understand why then, but I do now, and I'm glad you didn't know."

"It scares me that you're so mature," Adria whispered, "I can remember when you were ten and I came home for Christmas and wanted me to tell you a story about love."

"And I asked if Sirius was your boyfriend because the look he gave you was the look I imagined princes gave princesses," Alina giggled through her tears, seeing Adria nod softly, a smile attacking both of their lips.

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