Poems - 26.

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Chapter 26

"He's just so pretty, Milo, and he's caring and sweet and I love him!" Adria gushed, her head resting on Milo's legs whilst her legs rested across Finn's.

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Finn asked, completely confused as he looked up from the book in his lap. The three of them where sitting out in the warmth of the spring day, it was the first properly warm day that Hogwarts had seen, and the three of them where using it to their advantage.

"She fancies Newt Scamander." Milo scoffed, earning a loud laugh from Finn. Adria scowled at their disapproval, kicking the book in Finn's hand to which she earned a glare.

"No!" she exclaimed, smiling innocently up at Finn, "I fancy young Newt Scamander, he's all old now, and that's just wrong."

"Well I suppose that's not too bad," Finn shrugged, picking up his book and saying "I like your shoes, Ads." his finger playing with the lace of the white trainers she got for her Christmas.

"Thanks!" she grinned, "they're really comfortable," she moved her feet, watching the laces fall from the loose knot she had tied, she wasn't used to tying her laces and it seemed as though she needed a little more practice with it, as embarrassing as it sounded. She mostly wore boots, so she wasn't used to the laces.

"Let's go back to Newt," Milo said, "how did this love for Newt Scamander even come about?" he was braiding little sections of Adria's hair that would go unnoticed, a skill he had learned from Adria who seemed to always enjoy braiding small sections of his much shorter hair.

"He has a book out, of course, it's in the first-year curriculum, anyways, I was reading that book and he just loves bloody beasts so much, it's great." Adria shrugged, her hands tugging on the grass beside her.

"Yes, but why do you fancy him?" asked Finn, his eyebrow raised as he absentmindedly flipped the page of his book.

"Because he's pretty, and kind, and just loves all of those beasts!" Adria exclaimed, looking up at Milo who looked extremely amused.

"Okay, thank you." Milo scoffed, "do you fancy anyone that you could actually have a chance with?"

"Well I'd have a chance with Newt Scamander, if I had a time turner." Adria grumbled, "but no, Milostopher, I don't."

"Milostopher?" Milo repeated.

"Milo sounds a little bit like a nickname, I wanted something more formal for you." Adria grinned, "right, Finnegan?"

"Yeah, right," he muttered, his eyes back on the book in his hands, and not on his two friends.

"Talking to Finn when he's reading is like talking to James when there's a quidditch game on." Adria scoffed, rolling her eyes, "your legs are really comfy."

"Thanks, that's all I've ever wanted in life." Milo joked, earning a chuckle from Adria as she sat up, her messy curls where all over the place as she stretched herself and the small braids that Milo had done where completely hidden under the mass of ringlets. The three of them decided that the black lake would be a nice place to relax, seeing as it was peaceful.

"Your hair is everywhere," Milo scoffed, watching the Gryffindor as she attempted to pat down her hair, "here let me," he muttered, reaching up his hands and ruffling her hair so that it was somewhat neater than before.

"Adria!" the girl turned at the sound of her name to see James, Sirius, Peter and Remus making their way down to them, "where did you go."

She rolled her eyes as she lay her head back onto Milo's legs, "I told you guys where I was going before I left!"

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