Poems - 69.

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Chapter 69

"Write every day Lily or I will come to your house and kill you," Adria gasped, throwing her arms around Lily in a tight embrace, she felt the girl's laughter and soon after did Lily nod.

"I promise to write to you every day, but that means you need to, too!" Lily warned, wagging a finger in Adria's face whilst the both erupted into a fit of giggles. Adria nodded her head, wrapping her pinky around Lily's before throwing her arms around her once again.

"I'll see you in august, if you're still coming, that is?" Asked Adria, earning a furious nod from the red head.

"Of course, I am," she laughed, pulling away from Adria to hug Marlene who was growing impatient.

Adria moved to Mary, throwing her arms around her tightly whilst the girl returned it, "I can't believe we both won't be in Scotland anymore!" Adria pouted, sending a frown in Mary's direction who nodded.

"I know," Mary sighed, "I'm the only one in Scotland now, and it's really sad, if I'm honest."

"Of course, it is!" Adria exclaimed, throwing her arms around her again, "I think I'm inviting everyone to my house around August, so look out for my letter, and of course I'll write to you every day too!"

"Me too, Ads, every single day," Mary grinned, moving to hug Dorcas whilst Adria hugged Marlene.

"We probably all look like a bunch of Idiots, going around hugging in a circle," Marlene giggled when Adria threw her arms around her, and Adria joined in on her laughter,

"A circle of hugging sounds inviting, if I'm honest," Adria continued to giggle as she told Marlene of her plans to invite everyone to her home after July, to which Marlene was ecstatic about, seeing as she would get to meet the tiny baby sibling of Adria.

"Dorcas, you're last," Adria sighed, throwing her arms around the brunette who laughed.

"That technically rhymed," Dorcas giggled, watching as Adria's face contorted to realisation as she nodded.

"So, it did!" she exclaimed, "they don't call me a poet for nothing."

"Literally no one calls you a poet, Ads," Dorcas scoffed, "but I can say confidently that your poems are great."

"Why thank you," Adria giggled, bowing slightly for Dorcas who chuckled, and then quickly, Adria told Dorcas of her plans to invite everyone to her home after July, and of course, the girl squealed at the thought of meeting a tiny little baby.

"I love you four, and I'm going to miss you with all my heart," Adria gasped, half-jokingly whilst she clutched her heart, "I'll see you in august!" she beamed, waving furiously at her friends who returned her goodbyes, and soon Adria moved to join her group of four friends, of course, including her boyfriend.

"I made a new friend on the train today," Adria smirked as she leaned on James, her arms wrapped around his waist as she hugged him, "She's rather lovely, me and Remus have actually seen her in the library before!" at the mention of their time in the library, Remus' head snapped up, knowing full well that Adria was talking about Blair, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks heat up.

"Oh really?" asked Sirius, pulling Adria away from James when he thought their hug got a little too long, "what's her name?" he was obviously playing along with what Adria was saying, which resulted in her grin widening.

"Blair, she's lovely!" Adria beamed, watching as the realisation hut James, and he tried his best to hide his smirk.

"Oh, she seems nice," Remus nodded, "I remember her from the library, I think," he tried to play it casual, and Adria thought it was entirely adorable that he didn't realise the blush was evidently spread across his cheeks.

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