Poems - 82.

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[A/N dedicating this chapter to CaptainOfThisShip because they inspired this chapter a hell of a lot!!!!! :)]

Chapter 82

"Hey Jude," Adria sang softly, her hands supporting the boy that rested atop of her, her tears streaming down her face which she couldn't help as she seemed to think of her mother at the oddest times, "don't make it bad, take a sad song, and make it better," she choked on her words, taking a deep breath, allowing the croakiness of her voice to clear.

Jude was staring at her with wide eyes, his hand reached out softly to touch her cheek, something he had learned unknowingly learned from Adria, as she always seemed to do that exact same thing with him. He was listening intently to her voice, the soothing, melodic, soft sound of her voice that blew through the air, and down the hall, where her siblings sat at their own doors to listen with the same tears streaming down their faces as they remembered when the song first came out, and they would change 'Jude' to 'Judy' to make their mother laugh.

"Remember to let her into your heart," Adria choked out, laughing softly when Jude nuzzled closer to her, the sound alerting Sirius who had just ascended the stairs, "Then you can start to make it better."

Sirius listened at the door, unsure if he should alert her with his presence but ultimately deciding against it as he watched her, hearing her voice, hearing her sing was completely unfamiliar to him, well sing properly, that is. The two of them always sang songs together, in the most out of tune voices that they could possible emit from their mouths, but here Adria was, with a voice that sounded like an angel, but that didn't surprise him, because she was angel.

"Hey Jude," Adria repeated, leaning forward to press her nose to the tiny button nose of the baby boy in front of her, "don't be afraid, you were made to go out and get her," Sirius didn't need to force a smile onto his lips which he had been doing almost always, but it came naturally to him, watching her with Jude was always a beautiful sight, he only wished it wasn't in the painful reality they lived in, but seeing her singing a song with his name in it was so beautiful, so adorable, and so pure that it was physically impossible for him not to smile at the sight, even with all the pain everyone felt.

"The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better" Adria gasped when a smile erupted on Jude's lips, she was unsure if it was the look of his mouth, or something resembling happiness, but she couldn't help but cut herself off as she stared at him, "am I really that bad?" she laughed softly through her tears, her hands gripping the baby as she lifted him up, pulling him closer to her where his eyes bore into her and his thumb took residence in his mouth.

"You never told me you could sing," Sirius whispered as he finally took it upon himself to enter the room, his eyes glazed with tears that threatened to spill.

"We sing all the time," she spoke as her eyes trailed to him, taking in the sight of the leather jacket draped over his shoulders. She allowed the memory of the day she bought him the jacket to invade her brain, a simple time it was and not even was it long ago, "where you out?"

"I needed some fresh air," he sighed, sitting down on the bed, "we sing with voices so terrible it's surprising our ear drums haven't burst, but A-Adria, your voice was something else, it was angelic, I wished I knew."

She let a smile fall onto her lips, she would've protested against the thought of her being a good singer if it not for the fact that her mother was the one to influence her to start singing when Judy would sing to her at a young age, barely past four years old, her mother and Ethel would sing together, their voices bound together like some sort of spell that no magic could do, captivating their audience which consisted of Adria and her siblings, and Douglas who couldn't help but feel so much happiness that his soul mate, and his best friend where having the time of their lives singing for the people they loved.

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