Poems - 23.

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Chapter 23

A few weeks had passed since Adria returned to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts express, and Finn had lived up to his promise to inform Adria when the next hufflepuff quidditch game was, which happened to be today, against the Gryffindor's.

James, at breakfast that morning was an excited wreck as he talked excitedly to the boys and Adria whilst he attempted to give Adria a quick lesson of how the game worked, but she still managed to be confused about the whole ordeal after James had hurried away.

"I just...don't understand." She whispered, looking up at Sirius beside her who's red hair had faded to a darker colour, but not quite black just yet. As much as she wanted to support Finn during the match, seeing as it was her idea to go to a Hufflepuff game, her four Gryffindor friends had warned her countless times that she definitely should not cheer on the other team.

"Don't worry," Remus chuckled from across the table, "you'll catch on at some point."

"I hope so," Adria nodded, "I better not hate this!" she huffed, biting off a piece of her toast, whilst Sirius attempted to steal the other bit from her plate.

"There is a whole pile of toast right there," Peter scoffed, catching Sirius who glared at him.

"It tastes better," he mumbled through a mouthful of toast, rolling his eyes when Adria snapped a picture of him with her camera.

"Caught in the act!" she grinned, patting his head lightly before standing up, "okay lets go!"

"We have plenty of time!" Sirius complained, turning to look at her whilst she gave him a look.

"I wanna talk to Finn!" she exclaimed, pulling his hand so that he would stand up, "come on Peter, and Remus we have to go!" she pulled Sirius along, who was stubbornly pulling himself back.

"Sirius Black I will not hesitate to shave off your eyebrows," she growled, her eyes narrowing to slits as he finally picked up his pace.

"You don't have to be so bloody terrifying all the time," he huffed as he walked beside her, Adria rolled her eyes as she pulled out her camera.

"I'm not terryifing at all," she scoffed, "you're just stubborn and I need to do something about it."

"Mhmm." Sirius muttered, pulling on the scarf that hung around his neck, "y'know I still don't understand pens."

"They're the exact same as quills!" she exclaimed, "except you can write without dipping it into ink every two seconds, they're practical!"

"They feel funny when I hold them!" he huffed.

"Will you two quit arguing?!" Remus asked, pushing himself in between the two to break them apart, "honestly it's bloody hard to tell if you're friends or not!"

"We are, he's just an idiot!"


"Why is he doing that?!" Adria asked, an accusing look at one of the Hufflepuff players as he attempted to knock James off of his broom.

"It's just a part of the game, Ads, don't worry." Remus chuckled from beside her, his eyebrow raised when she leant forward in her seat. She saw Finn at the other side of the pitch, zooming about so much that the only thing she could see of him was a light blonde hair swooshing everywhere. She had spotted Milo sitting at the Ravenclaw benches, and made sure to speak to him before the game, telling him secretly that she'd be rooting for both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, like a true Gryffinpuff.

"But...why?" Adria asked, shaking her head slightly, completely confused why it was so violent. She grew up watching football, and her family where avid supporters but Quidditch was completely different, it was of course, more violent and frankly a little concerning. She wondered why a permission slip to a harmless village was needed when Quidditch was much more worrying.

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