Poems - 45.

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Chapter 45

Adria sat in the library four days before everyone had to leave for Christmas break, with classes and everything that had happened with her, talking to Thea for Peter had completely slipped her mind, but now as she sat alone at the table in the corner, she could see Thea sitting with who she assumed was her friends from Ravenclaw.

She was trying to make it obvious that she wasn't there to talk to her, she had even brought her notebook which she was doodling in so that it seemed as though she was actually busy and it was just a coincidence that they were both there.

Adria looked up for the fourth time, her eyes trailing around the library casually until she caught sight of the four boys making their way into the library, her eyebrows furrowed as they spotted her, and soon enough they made their way towards her hurriedly.

"Remus found out about operation A," Sirius groaned as he took the seat next to her, Peter sat on her other side whilst James and Remus sat across from her, "and he wouldn't listen to us so we needed to find you."

"Remus found out, or you all told him?" asked Adria, raising her eyebrow whilst the boys grinned sheepishly.

"We didn't know he was in the dorm!" James protested their cause whilst Adria gave him a look of disbelief.

"How can you not know he was in the dorms, he's a literal giraffe!" she pointed to him, whilst the boys snickered and it was Remus' turn to give Adria a look.

"I don't think you should do it," Remus sighed, "it's dangerous, and you are the last person I would think would condone this, Ads."

"Tough," Adria shrugged, "Remus we are doing this whether you like it or not, this is going to benefit you and if it means you aren't going to hurt yourself then I have absolutely no problem risking it, and neither do the boys."

"Exactly, Remus, this is what we where trying to tell him!" James huffed, rolling his eyes whilst Remus grumbled under his breath.

"He listens to me because I'm his favourite," Adria shrugged, grinning when Remus high fived her.

"Remus doesn't have favourites," Sirius huffed, nudging her slightly.

"Lets be real, I'm all of your favourites," she smirked, leaning her head on Sirius who rolled his eyes.

"Keep telling yourself that," Sirius scoffed, she turned her head to look at him with a frown, pouting when he smiled innocently at her, "course you're my favourite," He muttered, watching the wide grin spread across her lips.

"Oi!" James exclaimed, and as though on que the five of them hid their face from the librarian as she looked up, "what about me?"

Adria covered her mouth to hide her laughter as she looked between Sirius and James who was pouting just like she did, "and me?" Remus piped in with a frown.

"Yeah what do you mean, Ads is your favourite?!" Peter grumbled, all of them looking at Sirius whose eyes trailed to Adria for help.

"Who cuddles him?" Adria asked, "me, exactly, why wouldn't I be favourite?"

"Yeah, true," Sirius nodded, throwing his arm around her and pulling her into his side, "she's warm too."

"Exactly," Adria grinned, high fiving him, "don't worry, all of you are my favourites because I'm not selfish." She teased, looking at Sirius who glared at her.

"Anyway, back to operation A," she nodded, "Remus you have no reason to be wary, we've practiced the incantation, I could recite it off of the top of my head right now, and it's only for a month, it might be hard but the best time to do it is when we are off, so for the two weeks we are off, starting the day after we leave Hogwarts and two weeks we come back, we are going to do this!"

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