Poems - 44.

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Chapter 44

Weeks had passed since Adria's date with Sirius, which turned out to be one of Adria's best days at Hogwarts, after they had left Hogsmeade, the two made it back to the castle where Adria lead the way to one of the more secluded window seats that the castle had to offer and the two talk like they hadn't before, it was different from their usual conversations. They opened up to each other, Sirius went a lot more in depth about his family, and his life at home and whilst Adria didn't need to feel that pain for herself, she felt it for him.

It was now mid-December, and Sirius and Adria where still 'going with the flow' as he would say, and whilst Adria wasn't completely on board with the idea, she didn't want to make Sirius feel obligated to be anything more than that. What she didn't know was that Sirius felt the exact same way, he didn't want to just go with the flow, he wanted her to be his, to be able to call her his girlfriend and kiss her whenever he wanted, to hold her and take her hand if he pleased.

Of course, if the two talked about it, they would see that they had the same idea.

"Christmas is coming up," Sirius mumbled into Adria's hair, as much as he wanted her to be his already, in a way, she already was. Sirius was leaning on the headboard of his bed, whilst Adria sat between his legs, hers crossed in a basket and her school work sprawled across the mattress. Remus' bed looked the exact same as he worked, and Peters and James' where filled with wrappers as they ate the contents of the secret stash, which wasn't just Peters anymore.

A bag filled with fudge flies sat beside Adria, which she occasionally grabbed at when work became too stressful, and although Sirius was helping her relax, she couldn't help her heart rate, or the shiver down her spine whenever he touched her, or talked to her. It didn't take long for Adria to realise that Sirius was rather clingy, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed it.

"I know," she sighed, nodding her head slightly, "are you coming to mines?"

"What- Ads, I don't think your family would be so fond of that now," Sirius chuckled, she turned to face him with a frown, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why not?" she asked, her hands tapping at the parchment paper in front of her.

"Because, y'know..." he shrugged his shoulders, gesturing between the two of them whilst Adria giggled.

"Because we kissed...a few times, Sirius, they don't know that," she spoke, her eyebrow raised as he sighed.

"Yeah, but what if they found out and like tried to throw me out of the window, or something?" Sirius muttered, Adria covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing too much.

"Sirius, they would never do that," she chuckled, leaning back against his chest, "you're worrying over nothing, I just want you to have a good Christmas. If the worst comes to worst, you sleep in Benji's room but what would we actually do anyway?"

"I don't wanna know what you two do!" James screeched, covering his ears. Adria lifted a pillow from behind Sirius and launched it at James head, who fell back on his bed dramatically.

"Remus, can you please talk some sense into him?" Adria sighed, looking helplessly at Remus who scoffed.

"Ads, we missed that opportunity a long time ago," Adria grinned whilst James gave them both a look, before he turned to Sirius with his eyes narrowed to slits.

"What did I do?!" Sirius exclaimed, making Adria wince slightly when he shouted right in her ear.

"She is like my sister," he grumbled, "no, she is my sister and if anything bad happens to her, so help me god I will throw you in the shrieking shack with Remus on a full moon." Adria giggled as she smiled widely, turning to Sirius who looked rather terrified and to James who looked satisfied.

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