Poems - 175.

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[countdown to completion, chapter 3]

Chapter 175

"I can't believe I forgot to tell you," Adria gasped suddenly, looking up from her book and to Sirius who lay in bed. she sat crossed legged at the bottom of the bed, throwing her book to the side, she pushed herself up and beside him, nudging him ever so slightly as his eyes drooped, and his lips parted, "Sirius!"

"Wha- Addy, I was sleeping," he pouted, a chuckle falling from his lips at the sheepish look etched across Adria's features, and soon did he reach his hand up, moving the stray hairs away from her face, pulling her down to connect their lips together, "now what do you want?"

"You, mostly," Adria hummed, falling beside him with a cheeky grin covering her lips, and soon did she slip under the quilt, snuggling close to his side whilst he wrapped his arm tightly around her, pressing his lips to her forehead, "but I forgot to tell you something, and it's been on my mind for so long!"

"How long?"

"Like a month, I have no idea!" she exclaimed, her hand trailing small patterns along his skin, "I keep remembering it, and I haven't really told anyone because they don't know about her, but it's been eating me ali-"

"Addy, who?!" Sirius cut her off, laughing softly when she blushed red, burying her face into his chest whilst he pulled her closer.

"Ethel, sorry," she giggled, unable to shake the feeling of wanting him closer to her, even though it seemed to be physically impossible, "I think, well- there is a possibility, but I'm not entirely sure, I mean I could be completely off, it could just be a coincidence-"

"Baby!" Sirius laughed, attacking her with kisses to cut her off, and soon did he whisper, "come on, love, just tell me."

"I think she had a son," Adria whispered, suddenly sitting up, leaning on him as she turned, "Isaac told me of this boy he knew, who is an orphan, by the way, and how they still keep in touch even though they met when Isaac was twelve, I thought it was adorable, and he was telling us about him.

His name is Aaron, he's two years older than Isaac and Blair, and he's basically homeless, he train hops to sleep and busks with a guitar he nicked so that he can earn money for food and stuff, so the two met him one time when they were adventuring, and him and Isaac kept in contact, I just couldn't help but think this was so cute, and Isaac was clearly loving talking about him, he had this glint in his eye, the same one Milo has when he talks about Finn, or Lily with James, Blair with Remus, Peter with Thea, heck even me with you, it's love, and he even admitted to liking him a whole lot.

By the looks of it, they send each other letters a lot, and the thing is, Isaac never talks about the fact that he's an orphan, he went looking for his mum - I think, a few years ago, searching for her, and I think he found her, but she just wasn't interested in him, and that broke my heart, because Isaac deserves the world, he doesn't need any hatred, he is so wonderful and like my brother, and I just love him with all of my heart, but I'm getting off track.

Alright, okay, so anyway, this boy Aaron - Isaac was telling us about how he adored his mum when he was younger and carries lots of pictures about with him, I need to ask Isaac if he's ever seen her, maybe he could describe her for me.

Yes but, Aaron is a year older than me, he was five when his mother died and a year before, he was put into an orphanage because she was getting sicker and sicker. Ethel went travelling for a long while, and my mum could only contact her with letters, I found some of those letters before, and I can't remember the name but I remember them talking about someone that I didn't know.

I think it could be Aaron.

I think my mum knew of him, but then, why didn't she say? If she knew of him why didn't she search for him so that she could help him?!

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