Poems - 46.

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Chapter 46

"Did you hear about that lord guy?" Alina asked, her legs sprawled over Adria who sat across from her on the small window seat. The two would be going home in only a few days and Adria thought it would be nice for the two of them to have some sister alone time.

"Lord guy?" Adria repeated, scoffing slightly as she shook her head, "can't say I did, no. Who is it?"

"It's this creepy man who calls himself the dark lord, he's growing popular amongst pureblood," Alina shrugged, trying to keep her fear at bay but failing as it crept up her spine.

"How come?" asked Adria, her eyebrow raised as worry grew in her stomach for her younger sister, she didn't like the thought of some rumour spreading about an enemy to muggleborn's.

"He wants to get rid of all muggleborn's, y'know like kill them and stuff, I heard these boys talking about it in the common room and they seemed pretty excited about it," Alina sighed, a scowl on her lips which Adria mimicked with a glare.

"Well, I haven't heard of this stupid lord and you shouldn't worry your mind with idiotic rumours. I mean how much power can some barely popular man have? He probably thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread when's just a plain old creep. Also, those boys are probably just trying to scare you, don't listen to them!" Adria huffed, leaning over to pat Alina's shoulder reassuringly.

"I'm not sure, Ads," Alina frowned, "it wasn't just them talking about it, I hear it all the time in the common room and at first I thought maybe it was a joke but they didn't even know I was listening!"

Adria took her hand, squeezing it as she smiled, "this lord is a coward, if he is real and he has a mindset as vile as that then he is not worth our time. We are in Hogwarts, the safest place to be and no one can get us here, if this lord wants to even attempt to hurt us then we'll get him the muggle way." She punched the air, a mischievous smirk on her lips whilst Alina laughed slightly, "these are all just stupid prejudices that shouldn't even exist, and muggleborn's are certainly no less than purebloods, don't think I don't know that you're top of your class!"

Alina smiled, nodding slightly and squeezing Adria's hand still clasped in hers she whispered, "Thanks Addy."

"What are sisters for, right?" she giggled, "now let's change the subject to something much better."

"What a good idea," Alina nodded, "apparently, Sirius Black has a girlfriend did you know?" she asked, raising her eyebrow as Adria's cheeks heated up.

Without giving Adria any time to answer she continued, "yeah, same height as you, I think, and long, curly brown hair, blue eyes, also in Gryffindor. She has a sister in Slytherin called Alina and is the Quidditch seeker, wow she's so familiar, right?" Adria rolled her eyes as she pushed her sister who had a full-blown smirk on her lips, "so when where you going to tell me?"

"Never because it's not true," she sighed, rolling her eyes, "who told you?"

"I made it up," she chuckled, "I heard Sirius talking about you with your friends, the boys, I mean, and overheard him talking about you two kissing."

"Oh, he was talking about me, was he?" Adria raised her eyebrow whilst Alina nodded.

"I don't think you should sound so mad, Ads," Alina's smirk turned to a grin, "all he done was talk about how great you are and how much he liked you."

"Well we are 'going with the flow' at the moment," Adria frowned, "which no, I don't want, before you ask."

"But you don't know what Sirius wants and don't want to make him uncomfortable," Alina nodded understandingly.

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