Poems - 73.

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Chapter 73

"What about a girl?" asked Judy, her head rested atop of her husband's shoulder as they lay on their bed early one morning close to the end of June. Benji was still currently grounded for one more week, and to say Judy was guilty was an understatement.

She knew she shouldn't be, in fact she was more than furious with the boy, but he was her son and she knew at some point would he and his siblings make bad decisions in their life, and would have to suffer the consequences for the most part. But, in saying that, it was his summer and she didn't want him deprived of a happy summer when it was the sunniest they had seen.

Of course, Douglas said that this was just her pregnant hormones getting the better of her but she was sure she had used that excuse one too many times for it to be true.

"What about Lucy?" suggested Douglas, his head turned to look down at his beautiful wife rested upon his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his stomach and her nose scrunched up rather adorably, "I take that as a no?" he laughed softly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Can you believe we are going to do this all again?" Judy whispered, moving her head to look up at Douglas with a faint smile shining through her lips, "the crying, the tantrums, the bad dreams-"

"The memories, the laughter, the happiness," Douglas finished, tilting her chin up to press a kiss to her lips, "we will get through it with love and laughter, even the bad times, like we always do."

"Of course, we will," Judy nodded, her eyes crinkling with delight, "can you remember when Benji and Adria where younger and we thought they were telepathic?" Judy giggled, shaking her head at the memory of their younger years.

"Well it wasn't really that extreme," Douglas chuckled, his arm wrapped around Judy's waist and his hand resting atop of her stomach, "what other reaction is there to a floating teddy bear?"

"It was slightly terrifying I have to admit," Judy nodded, "but it was sweet, in a way, that Adria used her magic which we of course, didn't know about, to get a teddy bear for Benji."

"Sweet or she was just as sick of his crying as we were," Douglas laughed softly, "what about Sabrina?"

"Hmmm," Judy mumbled, nodding her head softly, "it's definitely an option."

"Angelica?" Douglas thought was rather nice, and with a small nod of her head, once again Judy agreed.

"Well what if it's a boy?" asked Judy, a sigh leaving her lips and her eyes closing as the sun peaked out from under the horizon, greeting their closed curtains with the faintest sliver of light.

"Jackson?" asked Douglas, a small smile on his lips when he watched Judy go through a range of emotions for the name, "or Beau?"

"I kind of like Beau," Judy nodded, a small hum of approval leaving her lips, "but Beau Hopkins, I'm not sure."

"What about Theodore?" suggested Judy, a small smile toying on her lips, "Theo for short."

Douglas thought for a moment, and finally did he nod at the idea, "Theodore it is."


"Adria," Benji whispered, pushing her softly whilst she slept. Alina was by his side as was Lia, both of them kneeling over the girl on her bed. Alina was given the task to wake Sirius, but from her sister's words, it was like trying to wake the devil, so she thought it best to leave the challenge to Adria when she woke up.

"Adria," Benji spoke a little louder this time, finally getting a small reaction when she moved to stop his pushing.

He grumbled a few words that Alina did absolutely not approve of under his breath, and with a look narrowed in his direction, Alina pushed him out the way before smacking Adria with a pillow, "Adria wake up!" she shrieked, rolling her eyes when Benji attempted to whack her back, but instead got Adria once again.

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