Poems - 90.

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Chapter 90

"What are you doing for Christmas, Adria?" asked Arden as the two sat in the library with Blair and Lia. Blair, who was looking for Isaac had found the three on her quest for her best friend, who Adria still hadn't met yet, and was offered to join them.

Lia, who needed to catch up on her herbology was getting help from Adria who was also helping Arden with her charms, seeing as she had done all the work that the two still had to catch up with, being a year older and all.

"Well Lia and I are going to my house," Adria smiled at Lia who let a small smile fall on her lips, "what about you, Arden?"

"Oh, I'm staying here, I'm just looking for other people who are staying here, too," Arden sighed, "my auntie is going traveling with her work, and an unfortunate twist of events, I can't go with her."

"Oh," Adria frowned, "well, why don't you come to my house?"

"What?!" Arden gasped, "no I couldn't, I wouldn't want to intrude!"

Lia let out a snort, catching Arden's eye, "she won't let you stay here, Arden, you may as well just smile and nod."

"She's not wrong," Adria smirked, "there's no way in hell I'm going to let you stay here when I have a perfectly good house, and you get to meet my little prince, Jude, and my dad and my mu-"

Adria suddenly cut herself off, her bottom lip between her teeth, whilst Lia breathed out a sigh, feeling the pain bubbling in her stomach at Adria's mistake, "Benji and Alfie are great," Lia piped in, taking Adria's hand which sat on the table and squeezing it comfortingly, "they're both really funny and Alfie has found himself a little girlfriend so he's actually a nice person now," Lia joked, earning a soft laugh from Adria.

"What about Benji?" asked Arden, her head resting on her chin, "has he got a girlfriend?"

"No," Adria shook her head, "but he's a bit of an idiot, so it's not at all surprising."

Arden let out a laugh, nodding her head as she done so, "I really wouldn't like to intrude, Adria, you don't have to be nice to me for the sake of it, I-I know your family have gone through a lot this year, I wouldn't like to be extra weight."

"Are you kidding?" Adria exclaimed, "Arden, both Lia and Sirius are coming home, and all of my friends are welcome, and you are most certainly my friend, my dad could use another distraction, another friend to get to know, I'm sure of it, you are not, and would never be intruding, you two, Blair, you and Isaac are more than welcome too, I know I haven't properly met Isaac before, but any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

Blair smiled, patting Adria's shoulder as she done so, "thank you, Adria, but I promised Isaac that we could go to the Christmas fair where I live this year, and I really couldn't leave my sister alone with dad."

"Well she's welcome too," Adria giggled, earning a laugh from the three girls around her. Her friends, all of them, had been informed of what had been going on with Adria for the past month or so, Sirius told the girls so that Lily wouldn't be irritated in James' presence, whilst he went and told Finn and Milo. Peter told Alina and Lia what had happened with her, and it was safe to say that Alina was ready to go after the girls until Peter and Lia held her back.

So, that left Remus - conveniently - to tell Blair, in the presence of Isaac, whilst the boy looked between them wide eyed, wondering how Remus Lupin knew Blair's name, and why anything to do with Adria Hopkins was a concern of hers, because Blair hadn't found the time to tell Isaac of her friendship with Adria, it was safe to say the boy was part furious and part excited.

he was a lot more excited that Blair was coming out of her shell, making friends with people he knew where nice because of his tendency to know everything. He always felt as though he was leaving Blair when he drifted between his friends, even though the girl told him countlessly that it was okay, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, but here she was becoming friends with popular students, and he couldn't say he wasn't a little jealous.

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