Poems - 74.

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Chapter 74

Adria sat one morning, atop of the bar stool at the kitchen counter in front of her, a water bottle was clutched in her hand from the warm weather shining in from the window, and she quietly recited the incantation that her and the other boys had to recite every day to become and animagus. She was getting used to the habit of doing it, thankfully, seeing as she had many days since her and Sirius placed the leaf in their mouths when at least on of them had forgotten about it.

"Why are you so smiley?!" Adria giggled, looking up from the counter to watch her brother saunter through the archway.

"I'm not!" Laughed Alfie, shrugging his shoulders whilst he leaned against the island in the middle of the kitchen across from where Adria sat. her legs swung from the chair that was a little elevated in height than a usual chair.

"Oh yes, of course not," Adria scoffed, rolling her eyes at her oldest brother, "I may be going out on a limb here, but may it have something to do with the girl I saw you kissing on the beach?" she smirked, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows teasingly, and her smile couldn't help but widen when she saw him blush.

"Maybe," he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders before he grabbed his own bottle of water, "no one else saw us, right?"

"Nope," she shook her head, "but Sirius knows because I told him-"

"What why?!"

"Because I tell him everything?" she scoffed as though it was obvious, rolling her eyes as she continued, "also, Benji knows too, so does Alina and we told Lia too because she wasn't there when Alina found out and we felt bad that she was out of the loop so obviously, we had to tell her!"

"Wait, no," Alfie shook his head, "how did Benji find out, or Alina?"

"Because they were there when I told Sirius," Adria, once again scoffed as though it was obvious, "honestly, Alf, keep up!"

"So, the only two in this household that don't know are mum and dad?" Alfie asked, shaking his head with a frown that felt rather rare on his lips.

"We don't know what?" asked Judy as she squeezed through the door, Adria didn't think it was possible in a week for her mother to get any bigger, but it seemed that Judy was full of surprises.

"That Alfie's in love!" Adria gasped dramatically, her hand on her forehead as she fell into her older brother who merely rolled his eyes.

"I'm not in love," Alfie sighed, "I'm-"

"Damn near it," Adria but in, a wide grin on her lips when she saw the amused ones adorned on her parents.

"Adria, as much as I love you, how can Sirius possibly put up with you?" Alfie teased, "you're such a hopeless romantic."

"Which makes her all the more lovable," Sirius piped in as he walked through the kitchen door, walking straight to Adria and pressing a kiss to her cheek with a cheeky grin adorned on his lips.

"He puts up with her because he's the exact same," Judy smirked, winking at the two who couldn't help the blushes on their cheeks.

"No one puts up with anyone, just love, that's all anyone needs, is a little love," Douglas grinned, "whether you love another person, or a hobby, or a job, love is a cure!"

"Love could potentially be the meaning of life," Adria shrugged, moving to take a bite of the toast that Sirius had previously put in the toaster before leaving. He frowned at her, looking between the bite from his toast and the smile she was now giving him, and he couldn't help but return it.

"Hmm, no," Alfie spoke from his place at the counter, "the meaning of life hasn't really been discovered yet but surely they aren't going to turn around and say love!"

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