Poems - 96.

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Chapter 96

"I hate you, I hate you so much," Benji grumbled as he looked in the mirror a few days after Christmas day. Their Christmas was eventful to say the least, when Douglas had announced that Mr and Mrs Potter had sent them all gifts to show how grateful they were that Douglas took in James, it was safe to say that both Sirius and Adria where dying with laughter at the boy's embarrassment of his parents.

As much as Sirius was mad at James, they were still best friends, and James had apologised so many times that Adria had lost count, but of course, that didn't mean Sirius was done. James having black hair just like Sirius' was a little bit of a downfall when Sirius bought the dye that would've turned James' hair bright yellow, and seeing as James couldn't dye his hair back with magic, unlike if he had dyed it with his wand, James was now stuck with a murky green coloured hair as the dye didn't work out as well as he hoped.

But well, Sirius was sure it had worked out better.

Of course, his prank didn't stop there, as soon as he started pranking James, he couldn't seem to stop there. He made sure to play as many minor pranks as he could on James, muggle pranks, of course, so that he wouldn't suspect it to make up for the tiny kiss.

It started off with the hair, of course, and after that James' guard was down, so Sirius planned in bulk. As James slept, as well as Adria, he had made sure to take a page out of her book with the pranks he pulled.

The first thing was his toothpaste, which instead of said toothpaste was now a scented moisturiser which James said was, "the most horrible thing he has ever had in his mouth."

Then it was his cereal, now like Adria, James was a lover of sugar coating his cereal, and Sirius knew this, conveniently changing the sugar to salt just moments before James dumped it into his bowl, and then, once again, "no, that was the most horrible think I have ever had in my mouth!"

But Sirius didn't stop there, no, there was also the syrup incident last night leading into this morning. Thankfully, James fell asleep first, so 'show no mercy, Sirius' decided that was the best time to coat James hair in the stickiest substance he could find, obviously, that being golden syrup.

James had tried three times to get his hair back to normal, but he was still trying.

But it was safe to say that Sirius had gotten James back, but what was much more amusing to Sirius was how on guard James was around him, Adria felt terribly sorry for James, seeing as he had countlessly apologised, but the best prank of all, was James terror, in Sirius' eyes.

But that didn't stop them from being best friends, nothing would, the two loved each other so much, and Sirius had finally gotten all of his anger out of his system for the boy that he loved, for his brother.

Their Christmas dinner was a little bit of a failure on Douglas' part, usually, he would deal with all the sides served with their Christmas turkey, and Judy would deal with said turkey, but seeing as he had to do the turkey on his own - even though James, Adria and Sirius made sure to help as best as they could with everything - he managed to burn it.

But in saying that, they had a rather lovely Christmas all together, so no one was complaining.

"Get over it, Benji, it was days ago!" Adria exclaimed from where she sat at the edge of the bath, laughing as she looked at Benji's eyebrow - or lack thereof - that had yet to grow back, "I'm sure Arden like's it, original, right?"

"Oh, shut up," Benji grumbled, "she laughs every time she sees it, says she regrets waking me up in the first place!"

Adria laughed loudly, clapping her hands as she done so, "Arden is forgiven, officially for waking you, but, I still want to know what happened between you two."

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