Poems - 70.

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Chapter 70

"Are we all just going to ignore what just happened or?" Adria trailed off as she sat on Sirius in their car, to say they were all squashed was an understatement to the point where Adria was literally sitting on Sirius just to give everyone else a little more room, she couldn't say she was complaining though.

"I was simply taking care of things the muggle way, is all," Judy shrugged, turning around to smirk at her daughter, sending her a wink whilst the grin on Adria's lips widened.

"Well I'm sure I can speak for Adria as well when I say that was probably the thing she deserved most," Sirius sighed, his arms wrapped tightly around Adria whilst her head rested on his shoulder.

"I wouldn't get too comfy, we're almost home," Judy laughed softly, looking at Adria and Sirius. She couldn't help but see herself and Douglas in the two of them, when they were younger of course. She wasn't entirely on board with the age they were, and how so clearly in love they were, but she was the exact same at Adria's age, so any protest would be a little hypocritical, "you're going to love the house, both of you," Judy's eyes trailed to Alina who wasn't even listening to her, but too wrapped up in her conversation with Lia beside her.

"How is your fist?" asked Douglas, lifting his wife's hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckle, "I bloody knew I should've just left without you." He sighed.

"Oh shush, you," Judy giggled, leaning over in the passenger seat to kiss her husband's cheek, "I'm completely fine, and at least the baby will know how much of a badass their mother is."

"I want to know if I'm having a sister or a brother," Adria pouted, turning to Sirius who mimicked her pout jokingly, a smirk on his lips as he pressed his lips to hers.

"Oi!" Benji exclaimed, pushing Sirius beside him with a warning look at the boy who merely just laughed, "I don't care if I like you Sirius, she's still my twin sister, and I will not hesitate to kill you," he warned, earning a loud laugh from Adria, Alina and Alfie.

"Oh, come on," Sirius exclaimed, "if Benji wants to kill me then I'm sure he could!"

"You're all terrible people," Lia piped in, earning a high five from Benji who nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe we've actually found someone whose hair was dyed before Adria got to her," Benji exclaimed, shaking his head in fake disbelief whilst Adria slapped his arm.

"Oh, haha," she huffed, rolling her eyes as Benji sent her a smirk.

"The house is crazy, Ads, it's amazing!" Benji grinned excitedly, "you'll love it, and the noise of the city is actually calming, surprisingly."

"And the girls!" Alfie exclaimed, cut off by Adria who threw her head back with a groan.

"Oh don't act as if you've had any girls," Judy scoffed, "he admires them from afar, as he likes to call it, more like bloody stalking them!"

"Who does that remind you of?" Sirius whispered to Adria, earning a laugh from her as she recalled the same thing happening at Hogwarts.

"We're here!" Douglas exclaimed, interrupting the current conversation as he parked the car in their new driveway. The house, whilst still in the city, was in a much more suburban area, still a walkable distance from the heart of London.

"Oh wow, it's huge!" Adria gasped, hopping out of the car and holding her hand out for Sirius, "look at it!"

"I know," Sirius laughed, standing by her side as they looked up at the three story house.

"Come on, let's go inside!" Judy beamed, guiding the two into the house before turning to get the two girls.

"Oh wow," Adria gasped, entering the house with a wide smile. The exterior was much like their old house in the sense that Judy wasn't very keen on the dull decorated style of houses, and would much rather have her house bright and airy to the point that most of their furintiures where white, yellow or cream.

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