Poems - 93.

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Chapter 93

"Home sweet home," Adria mumbled, still supporting Jude who wouldn't seem to let go of her. The boy was ecstatic that the girl was home, and although he was just an infant, he didn't want to let her go. She was the warm, comfortable, familiar girl who left him and he was unsure why, but now she was back and he wouldn't forget her face no matter how young he was, so as best as he could, his arms clung to her t-shirt, and his face nuzzled into the warmth of her neck whilst she allowed him too.

Adria couldn't help that she was on the verge of tears whenever her eyes trailed to Jude, and a sigh left her lips that sounded much like a crack which Alfie hoped it was. He hoped that his sister would cry, not because he was a terrible person that enjoyed his sister upset, but rather, he and Benji where having a bet about her crying her not, and he was sure that being ten pound richer would be a much better source of living.

"There, there, Adria, don't cry," Benji patted her back, throwing Alfie a look whilst the older of the two glared at him.

"I just can't help it!" Adria exclaimed, breaking out into sobs as she clutched Jude's head, tears streaming down her face as she done so. Her head fell into her twin's chest who couldn't help but scowl at the face Alfie was making. A mixture of happiness and slightly strained victory whilst he begged not to let himself laugh.

"There, there," Benji grumbled, huffing as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ten-pound note, reluctantly handing it over to Benji whilst Arden watched the two with an amused smile placed over her lips. she caught Benji's eyes who couldn't help but smile at the look on her face, which of course, resulted in Alfie so clearly seeing the exchange.

"Oh, did you win?" Douglas laughed, bringing in the trunks with the help of Sirius and James, "can you believe that the two boys who aren't my sons are the ones kind enough to help me in with the luggage?!"

"Just my influence, dad," Adria smirked, wiping at her eyes and reluctantly handing Jude to Alina whose smile widened at the boy who pressed his hand to her cheek.

"Oh yeah, sure, Ads," James scoffed.

"Wait, win what?" asked Adria, turning to look at her dad from her place now next to James.

"The bet!"

"I bet that you would cry from seeing Jude," Alfie scoffed, earning a scowl from Adria who glared at him.

"Y'know you could rearrange the letters of your name to spell 'a life' and yet you don't have one!" Adria huffed, sending the boy a glare before pushing past her family and outside to retrieve her case.

She took a deep breath, clutching her side and groaning about how unfit she was like she always did, when she was greeted by James who entered the hall to see what all the fuss was about.

"What is the bets that this year will be the best Christmas you have ever had, of course, with my presence," James smirked, throwing his arm around Adria whilst she rolled her eyes, a scoff leaving her lips.

"Shove off, James, I'm dreading Christmas already," she teased, nudging him with her elbow before reaching up to grab his glasses, placing them on her own face, "oh I'm so hurt, I'm James, that hurt my feelings, Ads!"

"I do not sound like that!" James exclaimed, earning a laugh from Adria at the deep voice she had previously put on.

"It was funny, though," Adria giggled, placing the glasses back onto James' face, "perfect!"

"I know I am, please don't talk about me when I'm not here," Sirius smirked, patting Adria's head.

"I have never met two boys who love themselves more than you two," Adria shook her head, "I don't know why I'm even here, it's clear that you two are perfect for each other."

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