Poems - 118.

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[chapter 5/5 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 118

"I'm still struggling!" Adria exclaimed early December as she sat in the library with Blair and Remus, shaking her head furiously, "miss school for a bloody week and I'm struggling to catch up, how stupid am I?!"

"You're not stupid, Ads," Blair sighed, patting her arm with a comforting smile, "look, it's newts this year, I fell behind last class and I'm still catching up, that's only one class, you've missed a bunch so you're bound to fall behind, it could happen to anyone!"

"I know," she mumbled, "but it happened to me, I mean how does one just fall of their broom!" her head fell onto Remus' shoulder who couldn't help but laugh as he patted her head, sharing a look with Blair.

"Adria, you were pushed from your broom, you couldn't help it!" Remus reassured her, moving her head so he could cup her face with his hands, "now go find that book you need at calm yourself down."

"Don't tell a girl to calm down, Remus Lupin," she mumbled, pushing herself up before gesturing to Blair, "just a heads up."

She smirked as she walked away from them, catching the blush on Blair's cheek just before she walked behind the book shelf, unable to hear Remus whisper, "she's been with Sirius far too bloody long."

"Can I ask you something?" Blair whispers, looking up at Remus from her place just next to him, she had turned slightly to face him, evidently nervous and finally did Remus nod after looking at her for more than what he should.

"Of course, what's wrong?" he asked, looking down at her. She stopped as he stared at her, unable to help herself as she lifted her hand up, tracing the small scars that littered his face, and whilst he couldn't help but feel self-conscious, he didn't stop her.

"Do they hurt?" she mumbled, feeling him tense under his touch and wondered if she should've just kept her mouth shut.

"S-sometimes," he mutters, "I'm just too clumsy, I suppose."

"I like them," Blair laughs softly, "I couldn't imagine you without them, and I wouldn't want to, they make you, you."

"They make me ugly."

"They do not," Blair shook her head in disagreement, "you shouldn't say things like that about yourself, you are definitely not ugly and your scars don't make you ugly, I have a feeling you aren't telling me the whole truth of how you got them but I'll be here when you're ready too."

He closed his eyes, the sudden realisation that he'd have to tell her at some point seeping through him, he liked her, more than that, but he hadn't even attempted to make a move, as much as he wanted to, he was absolutely terrified that she would reject him, and he wasn't sure that he could go through that.

"Do you ever feel like when we talk to each other, it's," Blair sighed, stuttering slightly over her words, she couldn't seem to help herself, "it's different from our letters."

Remus had never heard something so true before, so when he turned to her, wide eyed and nodding his head furiously he couldn't believe he had just done that, watching Blair giggle when the blush attacked his cheeks, "it is, I feel like I can express myself better in the letters, that y-you won't judge me, that no one would."

"I'd never judge you," Blair smiled, "and I like your letters, this is really embarrassing, so please don't laugh, but I read your letters when I'm going to sleep, just so that I can smile."

"Y-you do?" she nodded her head, seeing him smile, a perfect smile that couldn't help but make her heart race.

"I do to," he mumbled shyly, "I read your letters,"

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