Poems - 109.

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Chapter 109

"I'll see you after summer, Lils," Adria beamed, bringing her and all of the girls into a tight group hug, it seemed as though ever year they all spent far too much time saying goodbye that it was so much simpler to just group hug it out.

"See you soon, Ads," Lily giggled.

Adria said her goodbyes to each girl individually before bidding them a sad goodbye, it was always odd that they didn't see each other every day during summer, and Adria wished that she could.

"Love you!" Adria laughed as she waved at them all, making her way through the crowd, she had already said her goodbyes to Finn and Milo like they always did and soon she spotted Blair up ahead, laughing wildly with her best friend, Isaac, the boy Adria had still yet to be properly introduced too.

"Blair!" Adria shouted, watching as the girl turned around with a wide grin on her lips, lifting her hand to gesture Adria over excitedly.

"Adria, I couldn't see you anywhere!" Blair exclaimed, throwing her arms around Adria whilst she laughed.

"I know, I'm looking for everyone!" Adria giggled, "I need to go find the boys too, and Arden!"

"Oh, we just saw Arden!" Blair gasped, turning to Isaac as she asked, "didn't we?!"

"Y-yeah, we did," Isaac mumbled, clearly rather awkward in Adria's presence, offering her a small smile whilst she returned it with her own.

"The famous Isaac," Adria laughed, watching as his eyes widened that she knew his name, well obviously, she did seeing as he was Blair's best friend, "we finally meet, you'd think after all this time I'd actually have met you at some point!"

"Y-yeah, exactly!" Isaac exclaimed, turning to Blair accusingly who merely lifted her arms in defence.

"Well I'll see you both after summer," Adria giggled, hugging Blair tightly before doing the same to Isaac, "I hope we can spend some more time together, too, because from what Blair has told me, you're hilarious!"

"Bye!" Blair waved as she watched Adria dive back into the crowd of multiple people on the platform, "o-oh h-hi, A-A-Adria," Blair teased, nudging Isaac who rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shove off, Blair," he grumbled, unable to keep the wide smile off of his lips, "she's popular and she knows who I am!"

"She doesn't even care that's she's popular, Issy, it's not even a big deal," Blair chuckled, throwing her arm around his shoulder so that they could make their way out of the platform. They were going to have to get a muggle train to Blair's house, seeing as Blair's dad wouldn't even think to come and get them.

"Arden!" Adria shouted, her hands cupped over her mouth as she saw the girl, watching her turn with a wide grin on her lips.

"Adria, I was looking for you!" Arden laughed, wrapping her arms around the girl tightly.

"Looking for me, or maybe the male version of me with the name starting with B?" Adria teased, seeing Arden's cheeks heat up drastically, she mumbled something that Adria couldn't make out, shaking her head softly as she done so.

"What was that?" asked Adria, giggling as she done so.

"I said, I don't think my auntie would be too fond of me seeing someone," Arden whispered, nudging behind her where a woman stood, a kind smile evident on her features and clothes covered in splatters of paint, she looked like the type of person Adria would like to get to know, if she was honest.

"Oh, come on, your aunt looks very nice, I'm sure if she knew you were happy she'd be okay with it," Adria comforted Arden, a small smile on her lips, "I need to find Sirius and the boys, do you want to come with me?"

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