Poems - 28.

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Chapter 28

"I think it's just a tradition now that we sit on the train together," Adria chuckled as she sat aboard the Hogwarts express with Finn and Milo. Her legs rested atop of Milo's as she leaned against the wall that held the door, her eyes trailing across the scenery.

She couldn't believe that her third year at Hogwart's was official over, she had a hard time processing it seeing as so much had happened to her that it was almost unbelievable, although, she wouldn't change a thing that's happened. She had still yet to persuade Sirius to join her over the holidays, but she had a feeling that he was going to join James instead, which she was completely okay with. All she wanted was for him to be happy, instead of miserable over summer, and she hoped he would be just that at James'.

"I have something to tell you two," Adria said, "well mostly Finn."

"Really?" Finn asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly and his head titling only slightly to the side, "are you okay?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine," she nodded, smiling reassuringly, "it's just, I think I'm trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team next year."

Finn's eyes widened as he set down his book, sharing a look with Milo who looked rather shocked, "I thought you hated Quidditch, Ads?"

"No, I just didn't understand it, but I've been practicing with James for a while and I think I'm actually pretty good," she grinned sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders slightly as she pulled her legs into a basket.

"What position are you trying out for?" he asked, still completely shocked, it was the last thing he thought would come out of her mouth.

"Seeker," she mumbled, knowing that Finn was a seeker, it was rather awkward when he didn't talk for a few minutes.

"That's great, Adria." He said finally, letting her shoulders slump in relief she looked up to see Finn and Milo smiling at her, "we're rivals now, though."

"What?!" she asked, her eyes wide as Milo laughed from beside her.

"He's just teasing, Ads," Milo chuckled, "he's Hufflepuff seeker, remember?"

"Oh merlin, so you are!" she gasped, her eyes widening whilst both Finn and Milo let out loud laughs at her reaction, "I forgot!"

"Don't worry, Ads, if you make the team, I'll go easy on you," Finn smirked, earning a gentle kick when Adria pushed his leg.

"Don't think I'll do the same for you," she grinned cheekily, earning a high five from Milo, whilst Finn rolled his eyes.


"Have a good summer, Ads." Lily whispered, hugging her tightly whilst Adria attempted to hug her back, of course proving difficult when James was tugging on her arm for a hug of his own.

"You to Lils," Adria grinned, finally able to pull her arm from James' grip and hug her back quickly. She turned to James' who was grinning sheepishly at her, which earned him a glare as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I know you cant practice, but don't forget what I taught you," he muttered, "oh, and have a good summer."

"You too James," Adria chuckled, shaking her head slightly. She moved to Peter, who she hugged tightly, earning him to blush slightly and her to laugh.

"Missing you already, Remus," she chuckled as she hugged the much taller boy, earning a laugh from him as he nodded.

"It'll be weird not seeing you every day," he chuckled, "bloody hell you've made us all affectionate."

"You were always affectionate, Remus," she scoffed, hugging the three girls in a large group hug which Lily joined in on.

"Have fun at James'," Adria smiled, finally coming to the end of her group of friends, right in front of Sirius.

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