Poems - 148.

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Chapter 148

The atmosphere was dire as the group stepped into the church, their stomachs dropping at the sight of so many people gathered in the small space, so much to the point that Adria had to grip onto Sirius just so that she wouldn't get lost in the large crowd.

They were well liked people, and judging by Gully, she wasn't surprised. Anyone able to bring up a son as great as Gully must have had a great friendship with everyone.

It reminded Adria of her mother.

Today was the day of Gully's family's funeral, all of which would be together as one, buried as a family after the event that was taking place now. Adria could feel the sadness around her, engulfing her as she walked through the door, it was so familiar, something she had felt before, something she wished she would never have to feel again.

She needed to find Gully, she had to see him, her mother's funeral was the worst day of her life, or well, one of them. She knew what the boy was going through, knew the type of pain that was engulfing him right this very moment, so with a sigh tumbling from her lips did Adria push herself through the crowd, her hand tightly gripped in Sirius'.


"I need to find Gully," Adria whispered, gripping tighter at Sirius hand, a frown attacking her lips evidently.

There was a war coming, a war very close, they were just past the brink, now set just before the middle. Death eaters, followers of Lord Voldemort, or that, the dark lord was wreaking havoc, killing innocent human beings because of their fear for the one who feared most.

Lord Voldemort was a coward, rising to power through fame, killing muggleborn's for no other reason other than the fact that he thought he could, thought they were different, that they wouldn't fight back.

But they would.

Adria would, she would fight until her last breath if it meant saving her kind from a wizard like this man, the man who killed one of her best friend's parents. The man who took a family that Tallulah had never truly had before, away from her.

She looked around the crowd, everyone was unfamiliar to her, faces she had never seen before with the sadness evident in their eyes, masking happiness they may once had felt. She hated the atmosphere created by the biggest tragedy.

"You look pale, baby, do you need some air?" asked Sirius, pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her tightly, "I know this is hard for you."

"Hard for me?" she asked, her eyes wide in disbelief, "I need to suck it up, Sirius, this is for Gully, he must be in so much pain."

"But you experienced this before, I can see it in your face, Addy, you're hurting, and that's alright," Sirius sighed, pressing his lips to her forehead, "this atmosphere, this place, it's familiar, because we've been to something like this before, we've been to a funeral, a funeral for your mother, merlin, Addy that's painful!"

"I know," she whispered, nodding her head softly as she lifted her head to stare at him, gripping onto the shirt he wore to pull him closer, "but I still need to stay strong, for Gully."

"Alright," Sirius nodded, lifting her chin to capture her lips in his, his fingertips dancing along her neck softly, "then I'll stay strong for you."

"I love you," she smiled softly, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, feeling him grip hold of her waist, one arm on the bottom of her back as he gripped her tightly, nuzzling his head into the warmth of her neck.

"I love you too, to the moon and back," he mumbled, into her neck, pressing his lips more forcefully to the skin for any attempt to comfort her.

"And a stop within the stars," she completed, reluctantly pulling away from him and taking her hand, "now let's go find Gully."

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