Poems - 162.

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Chapter 162

Remus couldn't help but stare at the girl in front of him, completely engrossed in the book resting against her legs, mouth parted, eyes wide as she read over the words inked onto the pages. She was only reading because it seemed as though he was too whilst he leaned against the tree opposite of her, his eyes scanning her face as she sat there silently, her long brown hair falling over her shoulders, thick but straight, almost covering her face but instead framing it perfectly. He was completely entranced by her, she was simply gorgeous to him, her mind was incredible, her intelligence out of this world and she didn't even realise it herself.

Her love for books was something else, because Remus loved books more than ever, he could read for hours on end, days on end and never become bored, but Blair's love for books was much more than that, it was a love that she couldn't even describe herself, when her father started drinking, when he started becoming less and less involved in her life, when he hurt her mother, she could escape through her books, she could leave the world she lived in and enter a new one with new people and places with colour and happiness, and she could empathise with the characters that she found herself loving.

And when Remus came into her life, when she found him, when she realised she loved him, she still needed her books, she still loved her books, but she found herself unable to read unless he was reading too, when they were together, because when he was around, she didn't need the comfort of the books in her lap, she didn't need the new universe, or a new place to go.

Because with him near her, the universe she lived in was more than lovely.

"Something wrong?" asked Remus, watching Blair grip the book on her legs tighter, her eyebrows almost joining together as they furrowed, her lip between her teeth, she looked awfully angry, furious really.

"Yes, something is wrong!" she screeched, finally having enough and throwing the book down beside her, her arms now able to flail around her, she was livid, "I can't believe it, I can't believe the author!"

Remus tried his best to hide his amusement, pushing himself up and over to her as she grumbled profanities under her breath, "chapter seventy-seven, Remus, I will never get over it!"

"Oh merlin," Remus frowned, wrapping his arms around her tightly, finally pulling her between his legs and soon resting his head on her shoulder, "what happened?"

"She died!" Blair exclaims, "she was one of my favourite characters, Remus, it's not fair!"

"Well that's not good," Remus sighs, reaching for her hand, "I'm sorry baby girl, maybe you should take a break from reading."

"What?!" she asked, wide eyed and soon turning to face him, "are you kidding? No I can't, I have to see what happens, she has a family, merlin, Remus I can't just stop here!"

"It's a very long book, Blair, you haven't stopped reading it for the past two days," Remus chuckled softly, "come on, why don't we go get some ice cream?" he asked, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, "we can go down to Hogsmeade for a while, get some of reality into that brain of yours."

"Or you can cuddle me as I read?" Blair suggested, a smile twitching onto her lips through her sadness, "I almost started crying."

"Do you want me to write to the author?" asked Remus, tightening his grip on her, "maybe a strongly worded letter on not killing characters will do her good."

"I don't think she'll listen," Blair huffed, nuzzling her head into the warmth of Remus' neck, "but thank you, merlin, I love you."

Remus couldn't help but laugh, he loved the words coming out of her mouth, it was like chocolate, something so good, something he loved so much, and merlin, he loved her, "I love you too, love, but I strongly suggest a break."

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