Poems - 110.

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Chapter 110

The summer for Adria was rather eventful to say the least, her dad made it his goal to make sure he took all of them out at least twice a week to make sure that they weren't bored, and seeing as he still had to work, that was more than enough.

For the most part, Adria spent her time with Jude who didn't seem to want to let go of her, if she stood up to move, he would try his hardest to do the same, and Adria couldn't deny that it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen.

Though today would be the day that Adria and Sirius would get their tattoos, and although Adria was ecstatic, she couldn't help but feel rather guilty that her father had no knowledge of it. she wasn't so much a closed book, she told her dad everything she thought he'd like to know, but she knew to some extent he would be completely opposed to the idea of her getting a tattoo.

She was now sixteen, which terrified him that his third youngest child was sixteen it truly was a scary thought, especially seeing as he was on his own with five children - who he loved until death - he wasn't sure how he was coping.,

But getting a tattoo would be completely out of the picture, for starters, it wasn't exactly legal for her just yet, and he was kind of wary on the whole permanent thing. He loved tattoos himself, he even had one, but even though Adria was young, she was wise, and she knew he would take that into consideration and ask the obvious, "do you really want that on your body for your full life?!"

To which she would've obviously replied yes, she had thought of telling him countlessly but that conversation stuck out to her, and she knew that it would be best if he wasn't informed.

Sirius had told her to let him deal with the details of who was going to tattoo them, and seeing as they had decided to definitely get magic tattoos, she thought it was wise, so you can imagine her surprise when Sirius told her that someone "very close to him," would be the one to tattoo them.

"You'll find out who when we get there," Sirius said for what seemed like the billionth time, rolling his eyes as he done so. He watched Adria clad in a tight grey shirt tucked into a dark green, skirt and her trusty converse kneel down to press a kiss to Jude's head, and sighed when she turned with a frown, clearly worrying, "do you really think I'd put you in danger, Addy?" he whispered, stepping forward to kiss her forehead, just like she had done previously with Jude.

"No, it's not that," she mumbled into him, basking in his touch, "I'm just a little nervous is all, I mean, I want this so bad, but it's going to hurt, I guess," she shrugged.

"Not much, magic tattoos are actually a lot less painful, they only burn slightly," Sirius informed her, trying his best to reassure her, and it did in a way, especially matched with the smile he offered her, "and I trust this person with my life, Adria, you know how much that means."

"I do," Adria nodded, "but how come I haven't heard about her before?"

"Because I haven't brought it up," Sirius smirked, "plus it's free tattoos, how great is that!"

"I know," Adria beamed, "but I've brought money anyway, for a tip, y'know?"

"You're going to bring it even if I ask you not to, aren't you?" asked Sirius, his eyebrow raised whilst Adria nodded.

"Course I am," she grinned, patting his cheek before pushing past him and into the hall where she grabbed her bag and Sirius' leather jacket that hung on the pegs.

"Do I need a jacket, I thought it was warm outside?" Sirius asked as he stepped into the hall, seeing the jacket that she gestured for him to take.

"No, you don't need a jacket, really," she shook her head, "but that doesn't mean I don't want to see you in it," she smirked playfully winking at him before climbing up the stairs, hearing him laugh as he slipped on the jacket.

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