Poems - 121.

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[chapter 3/4 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 121

"We have to be one step ahead," Adria mumbled quietly, her hand intertwined with Sirius as she pulled him through the hall. Benji was slightly off guard this year seeing as Arden was staying with them again which gave Adria a large advantage. She looked at the props she had brought with them hidden in a large sack that she dragged across the hall and cringed slightly at the noise it made.

"You win every year, Addy," Sirius mumbled into her ear, laughing softly as he done so, "we can do it."

"You bet we can," Adria grinned, turning to look at him quickly in the darkness before creeping slowly into Benji's room, it was weirdly quietly, and Adria hoped the two of them weren't here but as she got closer to the bed she had to admit that the sight was entirely adorable.

"How cute," Sirius whispered as he crept up behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, "wouldn't mind to be doing that right now, I'm bloody tired."

She rolled her eyes as she nudged him, she couldn't help but admit that she was tired herself, getting up at three in the morning wasn't something that she enjoyed but her legacy had to be continued no matter what, so for the few moments that she leaned om Sirius, wishing she was in her bed cuddled up to him rather than just moments from setting up a prank was all she had.

Benji lay on his bed with his arm tightly around Arden and her head nuzzled into his neck, her hand clasped tightly in his and his head rested atop of hers as they both slept contently, their soft breaths escaping their lips in time with each other as they slept, it really was adorable.

"Okay let's do this," Adria whispered, reluctantly pulling herself from Sirius' grip to slowly empty the bag filled with props, she stopped the metal bucket from hitting the floor quickly and soon was she pulling out the rest of the things that she had.

"Hand me the string, please," Sirius whispered, watching her rummage through the bag until her hand found the string, tape and scissors and soon did she hand them to him, cringing when the loud sound of the tape was heard around the room.

She grabbed the bucket and the two cartons of eggs that she had left to rot in her cupboard and poured them into the bucket, making sure to crack some and almost gagging when the smell hut her nostrils.

Adria turned at the sound of giggling and watched Sirius set up the tape, his hand over his mouth to stop the sound whilst Adria couldn't help but admit that it was the most adorable thing to see him like this, she almost forgot what she was doing as she sat and stared at him, her eyes filled with adoration and a smile evidently on her lips.

She pushes herself up when she's finally snapped from her daze, carefully handing the bucket to Sirius who ties it securely over the two sleeping, all of which has to happen is Benji sitting up for them both to be covered in rotten eggs.

"I think we done good," Sirius smirks, his voice barely a whisper as he crept over to Adria who nodded enthusiastically. She reached into the bag, bringing out the syrup before pouring it out onto the floor just next to Benji's bed, and soon did she grab the sack and Sirius' hand, pulling him out of the room before they busted into fits of laughter.

Adria's head leaned on his chest as she giggled, trying her best to sound quiet but when Sirius' laughter filled the hall she couldn't seem to help herself. She looked up at him, a wide grin on her lips as she watched him laugh, shaking his head at the thought of Benji and Arden waking up to that before he caught the sight of Adria staring at him.

"What?" he grinned, "what are you staring at?"

She didn't speak, instead she pushed herself forward onto her tiptoes, giggling softly as she pushed her lips onto his, her hand on his neck and the other sneaking up to his hair, slowly pulling him closer to her whilst his hands finally found her back.

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