Poems - 134.

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Chapter 134

The week after Adria had finished up for the holidays had been particularly uneventful, currently, as it was only nine in the morning was she sleeping in bed, tangled beneath the quilts and blankets draped over her bed with Sirius beside her. His breath fanned her forehead as they slept, his arms tightly around her and her hands clutching his shirt unknowingly to either of them.

But then, on the particularly sunny day, when the sun crept through the small peak of her curtains, shining right at Adria's closed eyes, did they soon flutter open, making her turn her head to shield her eyes from the bright light. She smiles as she took in the sight of Sirius, his eyes closed and his mouth parted slightly, and with a soft giggle leaving her lips did she move to kiss his parted lips, feeling him stir ever so slightly until, with furrowed eyebrows did his eyes open, taking sight of a grinning Adria and soon realise what had happened.

"Can't say that isn't the best way to wake up," he smiles, his voice deep and raspy for it was morning time, and Adria can't help but giggle as she presses a kiss to his forehead, reaching for his hand under the quilt and lacing their fingers together.

"Morning," she whispers, feeling rather content with the warm sun hitting her back through the curtains and the added comfort of Sirius' arms around her, "did you have a good sleep?"

"You know, it's odd, actually," Sirius smirks, leaning down to kiss her nose, "but whenever you're in my arms I always seem to have an amazing sleep."

"Well I guess I just have to sleep in your arms forever then won't I?" she grinned, "we can't have you having a bad sleep!"

"No, we definitely can't," he speaks, his smirk widening as he captures her lips once again, rolling them over so that he hovered over her and her laugh filled his ears, playing his favourite song, "guess what?"


"Remember that surprise that I mentioned back at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked, his head titled ever so slightly and soon did he lean down to kiss her quickly.

"I believe I recall, yes," she nodded, her eyebrow arched as she looked at him.

"Well I wished to tell you on your birthday, seeing as it's not long away, but I can't really do that," he sighed, shaking his head whilst she frowned.

"Why can't you?" she laughs, although rather confused.

"Because it's tonight."

Her eyes widen as she pushes him off of her, turning to him with her mouth parted, "tonight?! I don't even know what it is!"

He can't help but grin as he sits up, moving to pick up the jumper that he had taken off last night and slipping it over his head, "you'll see what it is soon!"

"Okay first of all, you did not need to put that jumper on," she huffed, watching his grin widen, "and second of all, that is so unfair!"

"Well unfair is not my middle name but it could be!" he laughs, pushing himself up and reaching for her hand, "you'll know soon!"

"I hate surprises!" she sang as she took his hand, allowing him to guide her out of her room, and running a hand through her messy hair.

"Yes, but you don't hate me," he smiles as he turns to her, pulling her closer to him as they descended the stairs.

"Unfortunately," she grumbles, glaring at him, "maybe I do, though, this could be third year!"

"Mhmm," he nodded, rolling his eyes as he entered the kitchen.

"Grace!" Adria exclaimed, grinning as she let go of Sirius' hand and rushed over to her, throwing her arms around the girl who couldn't help but laugh.

Poems •Sirius Black• /editing/Where stories live. Discover now