Poems - 53.

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Chapter 53

Adria's days back at Hogwarts where rather uneventful, she took up most of her time reading whilst Sirius kept her company, and by no means planning his big reveal on how he was going to ask her to the ball.

She was beginning to lose hope that he had forgotten about it, but then the day before the ball, when everyone was buzzing with excitement and Lily had turned down James' offer to go with him - twice - a note floated in front of her at breakfast.

Courtyard, twelve o'clock

Was all it read but Adria had the faintest suspicion that Sirius was behind it, so at ten to twelve when she sat with Milo, Finn and the girls, all of them talking about their excitement, Adria left to get up, and her friends followed behind her, knowing full well what was about to happen.

The courtyard was busy will students, but there was no sign of Sirius, nor her best friends who she assumed would be helping him, but then a small dove floated in front of her, carrying a letter and she didn't even want to know how it was possible for Sirius to obtain a dove.

At least I know you can read, it wrote, and Adria rolled her eyes, a scoff leaving her lips as her eyes scanned the rest of the note, the astronomy tower...now

She chuckled, handing Lily the note who let out a laugh as Adria set off in the direction of the tower, she let a small smile on her face as she turned the corner, almost bumping into Peter who grinned at her, and without saying a word he handed her a small box, "you're not allowed to open it." Was all he said, attempting to wink but instead blinking as he walked away.

Adria looked at the box, frowning slightly as she walked down the hall, greeting the familiar paintings before turning the corner, and walking up the stairs, and when she did she greeted her tall friend who grinned widely, pulling his hand from behind his bag to show a large bouquet of daises, "your favourite," he smirked, handing her the flowers whilst she laughed, shaking her head slightly as she waved at Remus who merely walked away down the hall.

With the Daisies and the small box in her hand, Adria headed on her way through the other hall until she reached the stairs that lead up to the tower, but at the bottom of the stairs was a grinning James, his cheesy smile making Adria giggle as she approached him.

He was silent as he grinned, but with a wink, he showed his hands that held a crown which he placed atop of Adria's head as though she was royalty, and without uttering a word, he gestured to the stairs that littered rose petals all the way up them. She continued her giggling as she thanked James, climbing the stairs one after another, her smile widening with each step she took until she reached the top.

She burst into a fit of giggles when she saw Sirius dressed in formal dress robes at the end of the rose petal train, atop of a throne that she really wasn't sure how he possibly got it, "is this your breathtakingly amazing plan?" She asked, taking a look at the beautiful view that stretched out into the distance.

"Well is it breathtakingly amazing?"

"It definitely is," she nodded, approaching him as she looked around at the floating candles, "Remus?" he nodded as she set down the flowers, and he held out his hand, gesturing to the small box which she handed him.

"Well, Adria Belle Hopkins," Sirius smirked, getting down on one knee as she let out a soft laugh, "will you please do me the greatest honour to go to the ball with me tomorrow?"

"I would one hundred present, absolutely, positively, completely, with all my heart love to go to the ball with you tomorrow," she smiled wildly, reaching with her hand to lift his chin, and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips

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