Poems - 154.

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Chapter 154

"See you in two weeks," Adria whispered, her arms thrown around the four girls as best as she could, a sigh tumbling from her lips.

"Is there a chance that we're over reacting with our goodbyes?" asked Mary, earning four looks of disbelief.

"I won't see you in two weeks!" Adria exclaimed, wide eyed, furiously shaking her head, "not to mention that this is our last Christmas during Hogwarts."

"Oh merlin, so it is!" Marlene gasped, clasping a hand over her lips, "this just got a whole lot sadder."

"You can say that again," Dorcas frowned, leaning her head-on Lily's should as the five of them huddled together, "I say when we come back a trip to Hogsmeade is needed, no boyfriends, no one else, just us five."

"I say that sounds like a perfect idea," Adria smiled softly, nodding as she done so, "it's going to be odd, we're graduating in a few months...and then what?!"

"Then we hope for the best," Marlene scoffed, patting Dorcas' head, "they don't actually think we're going to get jobs straight away, do they?"

"Merlin, I hope not," Adria shook her head, "I was thinking of maybe getting a muggle job for a bit- just for the money, y'know?"

"Oh yeah," Lily nodded, a sigh tumbling from her lips, "it's odd that we have to think about this."

"I know," Adria sighed, "I wish I could just leave Hogwarts and sleep for the rest of my life."

"Sounds good," Marlene giggled.

Adria pulled herself away from the girls, frowning as she waved goodbye, stating that she will see them soon as her and Lily pushed their way through the crowd, "James says we should move in together after Hogwarts."

"That's what me and Sirius want to do," Adria mumbled, "but money, it's just not a realistic goal to set, maybe a dream, maybe when we were younger and wished we had the world, but so much is going on, we have to at least grow up a little bit to know that it's not able to happen as soon as we leave."

"Yes, well," Lily sighed, "it seems it will be for us."

"What?!" Adria gasped, turning to her, stopping suddenly, "merlin, how?! That's amazing!"

"I know," Lily nodded, chuckling, "James' parents give him so much money, he doesn't know what to do with it- says he's saved so much of it over the years that there's plenty for us to look for a place, not to mention that his parents are going to give him more each month after Hogwarts, we don't even need to work by the looks of it, but his parents won't take no for an answer!"

"Oh bloody hell, that's brilliant!" Adria exclaimed, laughing, "will you see James during the holidays."

"Yes, but I'm slightly dreading it," Lily admitted, her head falling onto Adria's shoulder, "we're going to dinner with Petunia and her fiancé...Vernon."

"Vernon?" Adria repeated, "sounds like Venom."

"Doesn't surprise me, bloody poison that he is," Lily huffed, "James promised that he would behave but I won't be surprise if something happens."

"Well, where is it?"

"They want it to be in London for the fancy restaurants," Lily rolled her eyes.

"Well if anything happens, anything at all, just come to my house," Adria spoke, watching the small smile twitch onto Lily's lips as she nodded.

"Thanks, Addy."

"Oh look, it's the love of my life, the light in the darkness, the beauty I call my own, my queen, my-"

"What have you done?" asked Adria curiously, her eyes narrowed as she allowed Sirius to take her hand, pulling her to him.

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