Poems - 101.

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[A/N a few things before the chapter

Okay 1. It's wishuponafranta s BIRTHDAY TODAY PLS WISH THEM HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!

2. I literally tried to upload this chapter like 40 years ago and it wouldn't work ugh so sorry it's so late!

3. I saw this whilst doing research (wow so official Rachel calm down)

 I saw this whilst doing research (wow so official Rachel calm down)

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And wanted to kill myself BECAUSE WTF!!!

Okay that is all :)]

Chapter 101

"Did you talk to Severus?" asked Adria, her voice barely a whisper as she sat in a window seat in an unknown hallway of the castle. Recently, in their best attempts to avoid the boys, Adria and Lily ventured to random hallways to attempt to get some peace and quiet from them.

It was much easier when they didn't have classes, or weren't in the great hall for food, which was painfully hard for Adria when she saw the guilt-ridden faces of the boys, and as much as she cared, she wished she didn't.

She was so angry at them, beyond angry, actually, and for the last few weeks that she hadn't talked to them, her anger hadn't dampened, they simply went too far. Sirius had tried countlessly to talk to her, but she didn't give him the time of day, she watched her best friends blatantly bully someone, and even though that someone was Severus, it didn't make anything any better.

Lily was heartbroken, she didn't like the boys - of course, excluding Remus - in the first place, but she didn't think they would go that far, she kicked herself of thinking highly of such boys, but the way they were around Adria, how happy they made her, she thought that somewhere deep inside of them was sweet, caring boys, but it seemed as though she was wrong.

"Y-yes," Lily nodded, forcing a smile onto her lips, Adria sighed as she reached for Lily's hand, comfortingly squeezing it, "we, officially, I suppose, aren't friends anymore."

"Oh, Lils," Adria sighed, reaching forward to wrap her arms around her in the tightest hug she could muster.

"I know, but it's for the best, right?" Lily wasn't asking, well she was, but mostly for reassurance that she made the right choice, and to Adria, she definitely did, "I mean, he called me that word, that one word that I would never think would come out of his mouth, and his friends, Ads, merlin, I swear, they are death eaters, I'm sure of it, and he just, he's so fascinated with it all, the dark arts, and it's just scary, he isn't Severus, he isn't my Severus that I met before Hogwarts, he's a different person, I don't want to associate myself with such people when I have friends like you, Ads, and the girls, I just-"

"Hey, I know," Adria sighed, Lily was getting worked up about it, and seeing her best friend like this was painful for Adria, if anyone in this world didn't deserve that, then it would simply be Lily Evans, "he's vile, Lily, he doesn't deserve your tears, or sadness, that word, that bloody word, merlin, Lils, he had no right to say it!"

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