Poems - 32.

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Chapter 32

Adria's transfigurations class was rather busy when she entered the following day, her books gripped in her hand as she walked with Sirius, but upon their arrival, she noticed that their class would be with the Ravenclaw's this year. Adria grinned when Milo waved her over, gesturing to the seat beside him, "I saved you a seat!"

"Thanks Milo," Adria smiled gratefully, setting her things on her desk as she watched Sirius take the seat behind her, she turned in her seat to face him, leaning her elbows on his desk as she watched him bring out his book.

"Merlin, Ads, you gave me a fright!" Sirius grumbled as he clutched his heart, watching Adria's smile turn into a grin as she let out a laugh. She peered at the book in front of Sirius noticing that it wasn't the book for the class.

"That's not the transfigurations book," Adria muttered, pointing at the book on the table, Sirius nodded his head, opening It to reveal countless notes.

"It's my astrology book," he shrugged, "quite enjoy it actually, it's a good read."

"Is that the one I always see you with?" asked Adria, her head resting on her hand as she attempted to read the notes, "well, in your dorm, mostly."

"The very same one," Sirius nodded, a small smile on his face as the rest of the class started to pile through the doors. James took a seat next to Sirius, muttering frantically to Adria that their practices would have to be longer and harder, if she wanted to perfect her flying for the try outs.

Remus and Peter took a seat in front of Adria and Milo, and Adria turned from Sirius for a minute to talk to the two of them, who smiled when she greeted them, "I'm so tired," she muttered, her eyes drooping slightly as she talked with the two boys.

"Yes, because you were up all night laughing with Alina," Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes as she attempted to scowl at him.

"You're supposed to feel sympathetic," she mumbled, resting her head on her desk as she awaited the lesson to begin. The class had a few more minutes left until it was supposed to begin, and Adria's head made no attempts to lift from the desk until the padding of feet attracted Adria's attention to the rather confident cat making its way to the front of the classroom, and just a moment later did McGonagall appear.

"Welcome class," McGonagall's voice rang through the large classroom, her eyes peering over her spectacles at the fourth years in front of her, "to fourth year Transfigurations."

Adria opened to the front page of her book, her elbow propped on the desk and her chin propped on her hand, "Now I must say that we have some exceptional students in this classroom," McGonagall's voice boomed, Adria smiled faintly when the woman's eyes swept in her direction, eyeing her, Remus and Milo, before sweeping past each of the students.

"You'd think we're bloody invisible," Sirius grumbled, earning Adria's attention as she turned around with a smirk.

"Maybe if you done your work, she'd praise you," Adria muttered, sarcasm lacing her voice whilst Sirius scowled.

"What's the fun in that?" asked Sirius, eyeing McGonagall at the other side of the room in hopes that they wouldn't get caught talking.

"You have a point," Adria nodded, "now shush." She turned back around in her chair, her head leaning against Milo's arm when her eyes drooped with another wave of tiredness.

"Today we will be learning how to transform a Hedgehog into a pincushion," her voice, whilst intimidating, was oddly calming to Adria as she went over the basic skill needs of today's lesson. Adria had read about fourth year spells countlessly, and knew them as well as she could as a student, but all she wanted right now was sleep.

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