Poems - 106.

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Chapter 106

The week of Adria's O.W.Ls came quicker than she wished they would, her and Lily seemed most stressed, spending all of their time in the library with either the girls or Milo who was the exact same as them, and as the week came along, Adria couldn't help but spill the occasional tear due to how stressed she was, of course, she didn't tell anyone that.

On her first week of the O.W.Ls, on the Monday was her Charms exam, firstly was her written exam that she had to do on multiple subjects that related to charms, such as the levitating charm, cheering charm, and the counter charm for hiccoughs, at first, as Adria sat taking the exam, a quill in her hand in replace of her pen which she was so used to using and the hall in dead silent, Adria was sure that her mind had went blank, and she was rather terrified that she was going to fail, but she allowed herself to relax enough that she could write as best as she could on the charms, charms that she had practiced countless times before and knew, thankfully.

After the written exam for charms was the practical, and Adria thought she wasn't going to be able to perform it for Professor Flitwick because of how much she was shaking, but as the incantation to allow an egg cup to do cart wheels left her mouth, and it was successful she could feel her nerves receding slightly and the levitation, colour change and growth charms came easy to her.

On the Tuesday of the first week was her transfigurations exam, and she knew she could do well in transfigurations seeing as she enjoyed the class, she loved charms too, and found them fascinating but after she had read up on transfigurations, she seemed to have a knack for it. She couldn't deny that she felt all the knowledge of the switching spell she had learned and memorised leave her brain as she scanned over the question, and felt herself tapping her quill on the desk rather irritatingly for over five minutes until the definition popped back into her mind.

The practical for transfigurations was the hardest she had ever had to do, the vanishing spell, which was one of the hardest for her to learn was painfully nerve wracking as she entered the hall which she had to get it perfectly, and there was a part of Adria who wanted to get it right just so that McGonagall would be proud of her.

She walked out of the room feeling less stressed than before but it was the first exam she had done which she felt she could do much better on.

For Wednesday and Thursday, Adria had her Herbology and Defence Against the Dark Arts exams, and whilst she breezed through herbology as though it was her job, she couldn't say the same form Defence Against the Dark Arts, the only part of her practical exam that she managed to perfect was her Patronus, but that was only because her and Remus where rather curious one day and wanted to know what they would be and decided to spend a crazy amount of time figuring out how to do it perfectly.

Hers was a Persian cat, just like her animagus.

Remus' was a wolf.

On Friday, thankfully, Adria had a break seeing as she didn't take ancient runes, and she was happy that she didn't, seeing as everyone she was friendly with who took the exam seemed a lot more stressed than they were going into it.

Over that weekend, she spent all of her time tucked up beside Sirius with his astronomy book resting on her lap as the two read over it, seeing as he had stuck little notes into little parts of the book that he thought was useful to know, she wasn't surprised that his book had taught her more on astronomy over those few days that any teacher could.

Adria could feel her head trying to explode come Monday of the second week when she had her potions exam, the hardest written exam she had taken over the course of the two weeks and it made her think back to her third year when she could barely do her homework, that was how she felt now.

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