Poems - 114.

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[chapter 1/5 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 114

Adria walked through the Hogwarts corridor a few weeks after her return to the castle, a wide grin spread across her lips and her hair swinging in a pony tail that she had quickly shoved it in. She was rather excited for her day of classes today, mostly her first class which was Potions with Slughorn, and today their lesson would be on Amortentia, which Adria was ecstatic about.

Back in fourth year when she learned that it smelled of her to Sirius, she couldn't say that her heart didn't swell at his words, and well, she didn't realise that she loved peppermint until he kissed her.

She stopped in front of the door to the potions classroom where she was greeted by Lily with a wide grin, "I tried waking you up this morning," Lily shook her head as though she went through a traumatic experience to which Adria couldn't help but scoff at as she rolled her eyes.

"It's not that bad!" she exclaimed, laughing as she pushed herself into the classroom with Lily in tow.

"The only person who can wake you up is Sirius!" Lily chuckled, earning a look as she took the seat next to her. Seeing as Lily wasn't friends with Severus anymore, Adria thought it was only wise that she become Lily's new partner which also allows Peter to actually work with his friends.

Now, James still worked with Remus on the potions work and Peter worked with Sirius, of course, as much as Sirius loved Peter, he wasn't exactly happy that he wasn't with Adria anymore, but the girl sat right behind him so it wasn't like he still couldn't see her.

"Morning class!" Slughorn beamed as he entered from the small room behind the large class, a collection of 'mornings' was heard through the class, and Adria couldn't help but grin when the caldron bubbling with the familiar sight of Amortentia was seen on the table close to Slughorn.

"Today we will be lear-"

"Sorry, sorry, we're late!" Adria glared at the sight of her four friends tumbling through the door for their rude interruption when Slughorn was talking, but the man merely shook his head, clapping his hands together and gestured to their table.

"Take a seat, boys!"

"You know your life would be easier if you just got up a little earlier," Adria grumbled as she leaned on Sirius' back to whisper in his ear, she caught sight of his lips upturned in a smirk, watching as he turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"You weren't there to wake me up," he pouted, earning a scoff as she elbowed him.

"I'm not your alarm clock, Sirius, I'm your girlfriend," she scoffed quietly, seeing his smirk widen as he nodded.

"And a great one you are," she glared at him as she sat up, making an effort to pay attention to Slughorn and not Sirius who was reaching for her hand which he managed to find and was now currently tracing small circles on her skin whilst she forcefully avoided his stare.

"Now can someone tell me any ingredient found in any love potion?" asked Slughorn, and excitedly did both Adria and Lily's hands shoot up into the air, sending each other a smile as they both tried not to laugh at each other's enthusiasm.

"Ah yes, Miss Hopkins, a fan of Amortentia aren't you?" asked Slughorn, beaming at his student who couldn't help but laugh.

"It's fascinating, sir," she smiled, nodding her head.

"You're right there," Slughorn nodded, "well tell me, Miss Hopkins, what is an ingredient used in a love potion?"

"Ashwinder eggs, sir, are common in a large variety of love potions," Adria recited her memory of love potions which she had studied back in third year when she found out about Amortentia, "but pearl dust is used in all love potions, particularly Amortentia which is known and identifiable for its mother of pearl sheen!"

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