Poems - 146.

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Chapter 146

It was a quiet night, an ordinary night, with tired students lazily trudging to their respective dormitories, or kids already sleeping contently, dreaming of another world filled with crazy adventures, or love, or both. Ignorant, lovely, beautiful places that took them away from the stress of classes, of friendships, and drama.

It was almost peaceful, the castle, almost silent as even - most - Professors tucked tight in bed for the new day appearing soon, but then, Professor Dumbledore paced his office, unable to block out the cries, the screams, the sobs of the tall, lanky, student in front of him as he fell to the ground.

"This can't be, no!" he shrieked, shaking his head as he clutched onto the girl with tears streaming down her own face, clutching onto the boy's shoulders in a best attempt to calm him, "no, no, no!"

"You have to calm down," she whispered, her hand on the side of his face as she pressed kisses to his skin, shaking her own head, this couldn't be, "please? For me, please, you have to calm down, come on, sit down, please."

"I'm sorry," Dumbledore spoke calmly, "Mr M-"

"Oh, yeah you look it!" he spat, shaking his head, his eyes narrowed at the man who didn't seem at all phased in the slightest, "my family, my sister, they're dead, and you're sorry?! You can piss right off!"

"Gully!" Tallulah screeched, shaking her head, "It is not Dumbledore's fault, please," she placed herself next to him, gripping the back of his neck and pulling him to lie his head on her shoulder, his hand gripped her closer, his sobs tumbling from his lips again.

Brutal, a brutal murder done by the followers of a coward, Lord Voldemort, a lord my ass, thought Gully, he was nothing but a coward in his eyes, as well as Tallulah's, he wasn't worth his fear, the fear the man wanted so much.

But the tears that streamed down his face stained his face with the battle he would fight for justice of his family, his beautiful sister now lifeless somewhere Gully wasn't allowed to know, his parents that took in Tallulah with open arms for the second time, and now the two of them had nowhere, he was an orphan.

"W-what am I going to do?" he whispered, gripping onto the fabric of her shirt, pulling her onto his lap for the comfort he needed, the comfort he begged for, the comfort she so willingly gave him, "Brianna's gone," he shook his head, nuzzling his head closer to the crook of her neck as another sob escaped his lips, tears dripping onto her skin as she gripped his hair, pulling her closer as she begged for her own sobs not to tumble from her lips.

She needed to stay strong, for Gully.

"Ms. Phillips," Dumbledore spoke softly, his façade calm but his eyes holding a hurricane, "is there anyone you wish for us to retrieve?"

She thought for a moment, a sigh strangled in the back of her throat that could pass as a sob she wished not to allow, and with a nod, she whispered, "Adria Hopkins, sir."

She needed her friend, a friend who knew what they were going through, a young girl who had lost her mother, she could confide in her, she brought her and Gully back together, she was her best friend, too, and she needed comfort just as much as Gully did.

She knew that Adria would be able to comfort her.

"Very well, Miss Phillips," Dumbledore nodded, "I truly am sorry," his voice cracked, passed as a cough but Tallulah could see his façade breaking with every sob that tumbled from Gully's lips, and with a nod, Tallulah forced a smile for her principle, for the talented wizard who was having trouble bearing the sight.

It hadn't been the first time that a child had lost their family at the hands of his previous student, or the followers dedicated to him, it was common now more than ever, and it was shocking, vile, that he had to watch students of all ages, as young as eleven, or the seventeen year olds like Gulliver who would have to face the word in a mere few months having to hear the news of their dear families going through the pain because of their children's status as wizards.

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