Poems - 64.

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Chapter 64

Adria sat atop of the sofa in the Gryffindor common room between the legs of Sirius whose chest she lay her head on, her knees pulled up and her book laying on them as she read quietly to Sirius whose chin rested atop of her head. a blanket was draped over Sirius' shoulders which covered the top half of Adria, and another lay over their legs, as well as Remus' who sat across from them, engrossed in a book that Adria had never read before.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair," Adria recited quietly, flipping the page of the muggle fairy tales she had brought back with her at Christmas to read as she had missed them from her childhood. One evening when she read Cinderella did Sirius interrupt her, completely confused as to what a Cinderella was, and to which she explained to him that it was the much kinder, nicer and happier take on fairy tales rather than The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

She had started Cinderella from the beginning again when Sirius sat close with her, reading aloud to him had somehow became a thing that they done. They had already read beauty and the beast, as well as Alice in Wonderland, which she had to admit was a little bit odder than the film.

Currently, as they read Rapunzel she couldn't help but say that it was a close second to her favourite, which happened to be sleeping beauty. She loved Disney films with a passion, and having a written version of the stories, even though they weren't written by Disney was exciting to her, but what was even more exciting was that Sirius was enjoying them too.

Suddenly, she felt something move in front of her, and looked up to see Remus standing up, his book still clutched in his hand as he turned to leave the common room, "where are you going, Remus?" asked Adria softly, looking up at the boy who jumped when he realised he had been caught.

"O-oh, I'm just going for a walk, is all," he shrugged, his cheeks noticeably tinging pink as he bid the two a quick goodbye and left the common room in a hurry. Adria closed the book in her lap, heaving her shoulders she turned in her place, draping both of her legs over Sirius' thigh as she looked at him.

"I have a feeling he isn't going for a walk," she spoke quietly, reaching over and taking his hand in hers, she whispered, "this isn't the first time he's left."

"Yes, I've noticed that he disappears more often than usual," Sirius nodded, reaching over with his free hand to play with Adria's hair.

"I noticed that too," Adria nodded, closing her eyes and leaning into Sirius' hand, "and it's nothing to do with the moon, because I track the lunar phase so I know when the full moon is coming up and it isn't for a whole week!"

"You track the lunar phase?" asked Sirius, a small smile of adoration on his lips as he looked down at her, "for Remus?"

"Well of course, I like to know when I have to take care of him," she shrugged as though it was obvious, "of course he's my best friend, and until we can join him, I want to make sure I can do everything I can until then."

"You're amazing," Sirius whispered, untangling his hand from her hair to guide her chin, moving her head to look at him and capturing her lips in a sweet kiss, "back to Remus, though, what do you think is going on?"

"I'm not sure, I mean surely I wasn't talking too loud, was I?" asked Adria, her eyes wide as they trailed to the book beside her.

"Adria, I'm pretty certain that Remus' whole face didn't just go red because you talk loud," Sirius scoffed, "and he just up and leaves at random times mostly, sometimes he'll leave class quickly too and just run off in a random direction, he's acting bloody weird, I'll tell you."

"Oh, I've never seen him do that," Adria frowned, "but we were in the library the other day and he just seemed so distracted, but there was barely anyone around!"

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