Poems - 120

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[chapter 2/4 that I've uploaded in bulk]

Chapter 120

"I can't believe you dyed his hair!" Finn exclaimed as they sat on the train on their way home from Hogwarts, Adria rolled her eyes, her back against the wall facing the compartment door with a scoff escaping her lips seeing as this was the fifth time he had went on about it.

"You weren't supposed to know!" Adria exclaimed, her arms flailing around whilst Milo couldn't help but giggle at the two of them.

"So that's why you dyed it in the secret common room?!" asked Finn sarcastically, his eyes wide and fury seeping through him, "not only does he have turquoise hair, but now my parents are going to kill me for it!"

"Why?!" Adria frowned, "he's a big boy he can make his own decisions, Finn!"

"Yes but I'm his older brother and I'm responsible for him," he groaned, falling onto Milo who patted his hair comfortingly, "mums going to kill me, she loves his blonde hair!"

"I'll tell your mum it was me, Finny," Adria reassured him, "that Eliot asked me to and I didn't see the problem, and if she wants me to change It back then I will, it's only a spell I can do it in seconds!"

"Yes, at Hogwarts," Milo chuckled, "Addy, you can't do magic outside of Hogwarts, remember."

"Then I'll do it when I get back, I promise," Adria spoke, pushing herself forward and sticking out her pinky in the process.

"Fine," Finn mumbled, "don't worry about mum I'll deal with her but just make sure you dye it back when we get back, please?"

"I will, I swear," Adria grinned, pulling the boy into a hug he so clearly needed, "it's okay "Finn," she giggled.

"You know I haven't seen you with Sirius lately," Milo piped in, watching Adria fall back onto the seat opposite of him.

"I know," Adria nodded, "I've barely seen him, I've spent time with you two, Blair, Arden, Isaac, Lily and the girls, but I haven't seen him, says he's busy with some prank."

"That's annoying," Finn frowned.

"I know, but he likes to prank, I suppose," Adria sighed, "I can't say anything, really, seeing as I'm the exact same with muggle pranks."

"Doesn't mean he shouldn't just stop seeing you," Milo piped in.

"No, I know," Adria laughed, "but we do see each other, all the time, just not much lately, I guess, he has the boys and I have my friends."

"But the boys are your friends, your best friends, Addy," Finn chuckled.

"I know, but as much as they want me to prank with them, it's stupid and cruel, isn't it?" Adria sighed.

"Well yes," Finn nodded, "but if you join them, they might tone it down."

"Really?" Adria asked, brightening slightly, she wanted to prank with them, the way they had described it, it sound so much fun, but she didn't want to humiliate anyone, or take part in cruel pranks like the ones they have done before.

"Yes," Milo nodded, "they might be idiots but they wouldn't make you do something you didn't want to."

"That's true," Adria nodded, smiling softly as she done so, "now let's talk about how your brother so clearly fancies my little sister," Adria smirked.

"I thought Lia fancied Allie?" Milo frowned.

"Oh she does," Adria chuckled, "but so does bloody everyone these days, I'm not so keen on it, if I'm honest."

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