Poems - 161.

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Chapter 161

"The great Ramona!" Alina giggled as she stood in front of the girl, leaning ever so slightly into Lia as she spoke, "I have heard so much about you, you have no idea, Lia never shuts up about yo-"

"Alina," Lia huffed, nudging her roughly, her cheeks evidently heating with embarrassment, and soon did Jesse wander over to them, throwing his arm around a very humiliated Lia.

"Poor Lia, look what you did Al!" Jesse exclaimed, throwing his girlfriend an over exaggerated glare, "you embarrassed her in front of the girl she fancies!"

"Shut up!" Lia groaned, sending a look that could only say sorry to Ramona who was trying her best not to giggle, "you two are the worst, I swear."

"Oh please," Jesse scoffed, his arm still around the girl he could proudly call his new best friend, "you love us."

"To the moon and back," Alina teased, her heart over her chest as she joked about her sister's favourite saying.

"And a stop within the stars!" Jesse gasped dramatically, messing up Lia's hair whilst the giggles tumbled from Ramona's lips, "so Ramona!"

"Oh no."

"How great does Lia look today, am I right?" Jesse smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl in front of him, whilst also earning a well-earned nudge to his stomach.

"She looks lovely," Ramona smiled simply, her eyes lingering on Lia whose cheeks noticeably blushed redder.

"Oh, she does, doesn't she!" Alina gasped, soon throwing her arm around Ramona, pulling the girl into her side, "I like you, Ramona, you're a cool gal."

"Um, thank you?" Ramona questioned, unable to stop her laughter once again at the energetic girl, "I like you too."

"Not as much as Lia though, am I right," Alina smirked, wiggling her eyebrows, "so what Jesse and I were thinking-"

"This is not good," Lia piped in, pulling herself from Jesse's grip, "you two thinking is simply terrifying, to put it nicely."

"Right in the heart," Jesse grumbled, soon shaking his head and wandering over to his girlfriend whose arm still draped over Ramona, and without a thought did he pull the girl into his own embrace, his chin on her head and his arms around her tightly, "can you believe her?"

"Very tragic, I know," Alina tutted, leaning against Jesse's chest and watching with a smile as Ramona moved to stand beside Lia, ever so slightly leaning into the girl, "well, Ramona, Jesse and I were thinking that we all have to go to Hogsmeade sometime-"

"Oh, that sounds nice!" Ramona nodded, a smile on her lips, soon turning to Lia in hopes that she shared her excitement, "doesn't it?"

"Oh yes," Lia's smile couldn't help but widen at the sight of Ramona's, "sounds lovely."

"Great!" Alina beamed, "it's a date!"

"I've never been on a double date before!" Jesse piped in, his tone a little more sarcastic than usual as he watched the two girl's cheeks heat up drastically, he wished he could just make them kiss or something, seeing as it was so clearly obvious that they both wanted to.

"Allie, can I talk to you for a second?" asked Lia quietly, failing to give the girl time to answer before pulling her best friend into an isolated corner of the Slytherin common room.

"Cosy," Alina commented, leaning against the wall with a wide smirk taking over her features.

"Look, I know you're just trying to help me," Lia whispered, frowning as she done so, "but I don't know if Ramona likes me, and yes that means that I do like her, a whole lot, actually, but I don't want to pressure her into anything, or tease her, she has been through a lot, and all I want for her to have more than anything is a friend, and know that she has a friend, and then maybe, something could hopefully happen, but until then, I don't want her to feel awkward or uncomfortable."

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