Poems - 133.

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[A/N if u get like a notification cause ur mentioned in this chapter or whatever and ur like wtf?? It's something at the end lol]

Chapter 133

"You better write!" Adria warned as she stood on the platform with Lily and the girls - excluding Mary - all of them in a tight group hug as they stood there, "I'll miss you all, so much!"

"Me too, I'll miss you all so much too!" Dorcas exclaimed, suddenly moving to look at something behind them, and

With a grin on her lips, she gestured with her head, "doesn't like him, my bloody arse!"

"Wha-" Adria cut herself off as she turned around, a wide grin taking over her lips as she watched Mary, the girl who had disappeared throughout the train ride, with her lips on Miles' and her hand on each side of his face in a very heated kiss, "finally!"

"It's pretty sad that this is his last year, though," Lily sighed, "she won't see him every day!"

"Yes, but hopefully they'll spend time during the summer," Adria nodded, "and write, of course."

"Yeah, hopefully, it's weird how they got together," Lily giggled, "her knight in shining armour!"

"That she didn't need," Adria teased, giggling all the same, "according to herself."

"They're rather cute, though, I have to admit," Marlene nodded, her head resting on Adria's shoulder who couldn't help but nod.

"Yeah, they definitely are," Adria grinned, "bless them."

"I have never met someone who loves love as much as you do," Lily scoffed as she turned to the gushing Adria, her hand clutched to her chest and a wide grin spread across her lips, "thank god Sirius is the exact same."

"He is not," Adria giggled, "my mum was the exact same though, we used to watch all of the old romance films together, it was a thing we done all the time," she sighed, shaking her head with a smile as the old memories attacked her mind, "my mums favourite was 'it's a wonderful life' we watched it every single Christmas until she became so sick of it that she could speak every word!"

"She's smiling up in heaven," Lily whispered, grinning as she threw her arm around Lily, bidding the two girls a goodbye before calling over to Mary, "bye Mrs Chapman!"

"Oh, shove off," Mary called, pulling away from Miles to roll her eyes at the two giggling at her, her cheeks evidently as red as Lily's hair, "have a good summer!"

"You too!"

"Are you going to James during summer?" asked Adria as the two pushed their way through the crowd, unable to help their laughter as they stumbled, "because Sirius wants to go see his boyfriend."

"Oh yes, James wouldn't shut up about it," Lily giggled, "I swear we aren't even needed, they love each other more!"

"Very true, do you think James would become James Black, or would it be Sirius Potter?" Adria grinned, laughing loudly as she stumbled onto the four boys, two of which already had their girlfriends tightly in their embrace, whispering in their ears of how much they will miss them, "oh bloody hell, put it away!"

"Leave us alone," Remus glared, pulling Blair closer to him as she laughed, sticking out her tongue at Adria.

"Yeah, if I wanna kiss my boyfriend I will!" Thea grinned, capturing Peter's lips in her own whilst his smile couldn't help but widen, "I love you."

"I love you too," Peter whispered, his hand on her cheek as he traced his thumb across her cheekbone, "forever."

"That was cute," Lily whispered, "my guard is falling, the soldiers are armed, the cuteness is lethal!"

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