Poems - 39.

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Chapter 39

The morning dampness that surrounding Adria on the quidditch pitch seemed to be drying as the sun rose in the sky for the day ahead. Seeing the sun so late in the year, especially in Scotland was something rare for Adria and she was soaking up the bitter air, and the bright sun with relaxation.

Today was the first game of the Quidditch season, and Gryffindor's where up against Hufflepuff, who would've thought that Adria's very first time as seeker, she would be up against one of her best friends. She knew that Finn was good, he had caught the snitch at the very first game she had ever seen and she now just associated him as a good player because of it.

Her nerves were getting the better of her as she sat in the middle of the pitch, her broom lying beside her and clad in her gear, the only thing she could feel was the butterflies erupting in her stomach, flying around frantically whilst she sat alone.

Her thoughts trailed to her friends who seemed more than proud of her, she wondered what her life would be like if she didn't talk to Lily, or the boys didn't attempt to pull that terrible prank on her back in her third year. She really couldn't live without her friends, but if she didn't talk to them, then nothing would be different.

She wouldn't like Sirius, or even be his friend and even thinking of that was odd, she loved Sirius, as much as she loved her other friends, of course, she couldn't think of her life without him in it, and whilst she couldn't think of her life without any of her friends, Sirius' name stuck out most to her, popping up in her head and floating around like a personal butterfly that could heat up her cheeks and make her smile by just being in the same room as her.

Merlin, I'm pathetic, she thought, rolling her eyes to herself. She had never liked a boy before, she never thought she would like the boy who was dead set on pranking her from the first moment they interacted, but it was funny how life worked.

Her thoughts trailed to Lily, her first friend, the first person she properly talked to and oh how her life would be so completely different if Lily chose to ignore her rather than talk back. But Lily would never do that, she was the kindest soul that Adria ever knew and she loved her with all of her heart, she was a sister and her best friend and a life without Lily Evans wasn't a life worth living, in Adria's opinion.

Then there was Remus, the kindest boy she could ever know, and as much as he was a prankster like the rest of his friends, and a little bit of a tease, she loved him just the same as Lily, and forcing herself to keep a leaf in her mouth just to help him wouldn't be the last thing she would do.

Mary, Dorcas and Marlene where her best friends just as much as any of the others, as well as James and Peter, all of her friends had impacted her life so much that it was crazy to think that just last year she sat alone in a small window seat of the castle without them. They had made her a different person, in the best possible way, she wasn't as shy as she used to be, and her confidence was impacted in the greatest way. She wouldn't say she was an overly confident person, and she was still rather shy, but they had all contributed to her coming out of her shell and she would always be forever thankful.

And then Finn and Milo, she could laugh at the unexpectedness of their friendship. She never thought she would ever have friends outside of her own house, never mind one from Ravenclaw and one from Hufflepuff, not to mention that Milo was clearly in love with Finn, and she wanted to do everything in her power to help him. She was curious about Finn's feelings, and whilst she didn't want to pry, she had a feeling that he felt the exact same way as Milo, and whilst she would never confront him about it, she would hope that Finn would confide in her as Milo did.

"Adria, I've been looking for you!" a voice owned by James Potter gasped as he spotted her, rushing forward to greet her, and throwing his broom down beside her, "what are you doing?"

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