Poems - 108.

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Chapter 108

"Can we do something during summer this year?" asked Adria as Sirius' head lay on her stomach and her hands traced small patterns on his forehead near his hairline, occasionally would she run her hands through his hair softly before they would trace back to the skin of his head.

He hummed as he turned to look at her, seeing the anxious look on her features he merely frowned, "like what?"

"Well, I was thinking," she trailed off, breathing heavily as she done so, "we couldn't tell anyone, well not my dad anyway I don't think he'd approve, but I was thinking that we could maybe get tattoos."

"Tattoos?" he repeated, his eyebrow raised and a smirk taking over his lips, "Adria Belle Hopkins, what have I done to you?"

"Oh, shut up," she grumbled, rolling her eyes as she sat herself up, "there's a slight problem, though."

"Which is?"

"Well, we need to be eighteen, so either I need to buy myself some heels and force Mary over to do my make up or we go to someone willing to give us tattoos without an age limit," she shrugged, a sheepish smile on her lips as she informed him.

"Well, would it be magic tattoos?" he asked, her shoulders slumped as she thought, she had never even thought of a magic tattoo before, but it sounded rather exciting.

"It should be!" she nodded her head excitedly, "I'd love that!"

"What would you get?" he asked, watching as her head bowed and the blush attacked her cheek.

"I'd get a few, but first, I want a paw print," she mumbled, shyly tucking her hair behind her ear and sparing a look at him.

"Why?" he whispered, inching closer to her as he done so and she let out a sigh.

"For you, I guess," she shrugged, "to symbolise you, because I love you, but I guess if you decide to break my heart then it can symbolise my animagus."

"The only way I'd break your heart is if I took it out your chest," Sirius rolled his eyes, "I want a light bulb, turned off, I suppose."

"Turned off, why?" she asked, her eyebrow raised and a laugh escaping her lips.

"Doesn't Adria mean dark?" he asked, watching as she bit her bottom lip, a small smile attacking her features.

"Sirius," she sighed, "you know how we are young-"

"Do you love me, Ads?"

"Of course, I do, don't be silly!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked at him.

"And I love you, with all my heart until I die, and you know what, we keep going on about how young we are, but why does that matter, why does the day I was born symbolise how much I love something. I could live until I was thirty, or three hundred, but every day until then I would love you all the same, I don't want to spend my life without you, because it just wouldn't be a life worth living, now would it? I'm so in love with you, that it hurts, Adria, I can't stop thinking about you whenever you're not there, and bloody hell, even when you are there I'm still thinking of you, I just can't stop, the only way you are ever getting rid of me is if you force me, but I wouldn't leave you without a fight, Ads!" he huffed, his fist curled in frustration, not to her, but for the fact that he was so painfully in love with her, and it seemed as though their age was the biggest issue of it, "if we get magic tattoos, I'm getting the light bulb, and when it's tapped, it turns on, because although you're name means dark, merlin you are the brightest light in my life."

"God that was the cheesiest thing you have ever said," she whispered, shaking her head as she pulled him closer to her by his shirt, pressing her lips to his and wrapping her legs around his waist, "but I love it, and I love you."

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