Poems - 129.

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Chapter 129

Tallulah moved slowly, her eyes scanning the hallway quickly as she kept her head down, her books clutched in her hands and her heart frantically racing at the letter clutched in her hand from her family.

The tears welling in her arms where begging to spill but she simply couldn't let them, she felt her heart tight in her chest, nausea swimming in her stomach as she pushed past students in the hallways, laughs filling her ear like a melody she hadn't heard in a while.

Happiness, the word, the feeling, the emotion, all of which foreign to her, it seemed as though a frown was a permanent feature on her face, which wasn't all that surprising.

A few years back did she lose the one thing important to her, her best friend, who seemed to have made some new friends by the looks of it, forgetting her, the sight of her, the memory of her wiped from his head, and here she was, left on her own with a letter filled with so control over the young girl's life that it sent fear to engulf her.

Her eyes caught sight of an all too familiar boy walking down the hallway, and soon did she push herself out of view, watching from the side as he laughed, shaking his head at something Adria Hopkins said, as her hand clutched onto Sirius Black's beside her, her head throwing back at something amusing between the three of them, well actually, between the seven of them, they were joined with Remus Lupin, Blair Conway, Isaac Hall and Arden Nelson, all of who seemed to be popular in Hogwarts.

Tallulah had heard of them, she knew them, everyone did, it was hard not to when rumours flied around her all the time of them, of things that had happened between them. Some of them, Tallulah had only heard of recently, like Blair, Isaac, and Arden, but she felt as though she could go and have a conversation with them right now, according to rumours.

Adria Hopkins was a kind girl in Tallulah's eyes, remembering faintly when she watched her direct a large group of first years to their classes with a smile still on her face, even though she was quite clearly irritated. She seemed to smile always, and occasionally, when the two passed each other, without ever uttering a single word, did Adria smile at Tallulah, even before she had become friends with Gulliver.

Another name she had heard recently.

It seemed as though if you became friends with Adria Hopkins you were bound to be known, the famous 'Marauders' as they so willingly called themselves had a reputation of popularity at Hogwarts, as did Adria and many of her friends, so it was bound that becoming friends with Adria - like so many people wanted - would get you popularity instantly.

Tallulah wondered what it was like to have friends, she had one, of course, but that was then, way back a few years ago, before her family found out and ruined all of the happiness she once felt, draining her.

The letter in her hand caught her attention, she sensed it, she knew the letter wasn't going to be a friend, how is Hogwarts this year? Letter, but rather something much more dark, much more twisted that reflected the cruel world on a brink of war unknown to many.

The dark lord was growing in power, in strength, using fear as a tactic to kill, and kill he did, muggleborn's, their families, viciously, in cold blood, he was a terrifying being, and Tallulah knew that with every Christmas she spent with her family, ranting and raving about this man who would clear the wizarding world of dirty blood.

Gulliver was a muggleborn, a kind soul, a shining light, the one that made Tallulah realise that muggleborn's where not dirty blood, they were people, wizards, witches, with the same powers that purebloods possessed, and prejudices ran high in her household at all times, and whilst it was hard, she never let it get to her.

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