Poems - 144.

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Chapter 144

"So, Jesse," Adria trailed off as she sat in an isolated window seat with Alina, watching as the heat rushed to the girl's cheeks almost instantly, "since when did this happen?"

"We've been friends for a while," she shrugged, mumbling shyly as she played with the ends of her hair, her eyes looking out of the window, "and one day a bunch of us where playing a silly little game of seven minutes in heaven, and so it was us two, and he's so confident and egotistical, so it was rather shocking that he was so shy on his own, and he kept rambling on about how I didn't need to kiss him if I didn't want to because he didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable, and so I kissed him to shut him up, and I tried to act casual, but merlin, that boy can kiss."

Adria couldn't help but giggle when Alina threw her head back as she spoke of him, "so do you like him, then?"

"I don't know," she whispered, a frown taking over her features, "I thought I liked Eliot, but he's been avoiding me, and I know that Lia likes me-"

"You know?!"

"Of course, I do," Alina sighed, "and it hurts me because I love Lia, and I'll love her until I die, but just, not that way, y'know? She's my best friend, and that is all, she is gorgeous, and for a while I did think I liked her more than that, but it was just a silly little crush that I got over."

"Oh Allie," Adria sighed, reaching for her sister's hand, "Jesse seems lovely."

"He is, I mean, he's just so different all of a sudden, like before summer he was always talking about all of these girls that he went with, and all of this nonsense and then it just suddenly stopped, and he told me that he couldn't stop thinking of me over summer and it was just really surprising!" Alina exclaimed, "It's just weird, I don't like it!"

"You don't like that he's paying attention to you?" asked Adria, "or you don't like that you enjoy the attention?"

"Both," she huffed, "I don't date people, Adria, I don't want a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, well I don't think I do, but then I'm with him, just maybe talking or laughing and I realise that I want him."

"Oh, this is so cute," Adria gushed, clutching her hand over her heart, "you two are so cute, I can't handle it, I mean, he bloody fought someone for you!"

"I know, I mean, I was mad at him, but I'm not anymore," she muttered, a sigh tumbling from her lips, "I'm not supposed to like him, I just can't help it!"

"Why don't you want someone, Allie?" asked Adria, her voice barely a whisper, "why don't you want a boyfriend?"

"I just-" she cut herself off, "I feel as though no one will take me seriously as being bisexual if I get a boyfriend, because I like girls, too, and I do, and I've kissed plenty of girls, but getting a boyfriend, I just know there will be someone who will say something like, oh, I thought you liked girls? Or why do you have a boyfriend when you like girls? Because I like both, and I know I do, and it's important to me."

"Allie," Adria sighed, "your feelings for someone does not justify your sexuality, if you like girls, hell yes, if you like boys, hell yes, but whoever you are with, they come first, no matter of your gender, and you will not be any less bisexual if you like a boy, than if you like a girl, maybe you prefer boys to girls, or vice versa, or maybe you just like who you like at a certain time, and that Is okay, I know it's okay, and you do, and anyone who thinks otherwise can piss right off, or I can come and I'll teach them a lesson!"

"Thanks Addy," Alina whispered, "this is really embarrassing for me, but can we talk about Jesse, I feel like I just need someone to talk about him with!"

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