Poems - 137.

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Chapter 137

The two slept together peacefully, their arms around each other and their breaths connecting as one as they lay there completely oblivious to the commotion happening just downstairs. There shouldn't be any commotion in the Hopkins house, but at four in the morning, on the sixteenth of July, did Benji Hopkins soon burst the door open to his sister's room, his eyes wide, his hair a mess, and the first thing he could see on the floor of his room now on his body.

Arden stood at the door frame, previously trying to calm down her boyfriend as she stood in his jumper and some random trousers she had previously thrown on, once with her arms around him trying to calm him down, but when Alina burst into his room, screaming at them to hurry up, did Benji start up the frantic frenzy of running around again.

Adria's eyes snapped open when her twin brother jumped on her, yes, literally jumped on her, right in the middle of her and Sirius, resulting in a lot of groans as the two awoke from their once peaceful slumber.

"Oh, bloody hell, Benji," she grumbled, rubbing her forehead as she sat up, reaching for the small lamp beside her bed and soon turning it on to see the boy with wide eyes and very messy hair scrambling to pick himself up, and slapping Sirius in the process.

"What's going on?" Sirius grumbled, his eyes now wide open as he sat up, a sigh tumbling from his lips as he reached for Adria, even half asleep was he making sure that she was alright.

"It's Grace!" Benji screeched, almost falling onto the floor, "she has gone into labour, she's having our niece or nephew!"

"What?!" Adria gasped, wide eyed as she pushed the large amount of quilts and blankets off of herself, just like her twin as she almost fell to the floor, pulling on a random pair of trousers over her bare legs as quickly as she could, and keeping the hoodie of Sirius' that she wore on as she turned to Sirius just as frantic to get up, furiously running his hands through his hair to make it the least bit presentable.

"You look fine, Sirius," Adria laughed through her hurry, falling onto her bed as she pulled on her trainers and soon was his hand clasped in hers as they made their way down the stairs right after Benji and Arden who had just done the same.

She stopped at the end of the stairs as she saw her dad, with a very tired Jude clutching onto his neck, which Adria soon took from her sobbing father. Tears streamed down the man's face as he gathered his children, whilst trying to wipe his tears from blurring his vision.

"Dad, are you oka-"

"I'm going to be a grandad, don't you realise this, I'm too young, I'm far too young!" he exclaimed, his arms flailing around as Benji and Adria shared a look of amusement through the high tension.

With a sigh, Adria stepped forward, patting her father's shoulder as she spoke, "you're really not."

Sirius can't help but laugh at the look Adria received from her father, pushing her out the door with Jude restlessly clinging to her, his whines filling the air as they all rushed to the car.

"Hey, hey, hey," Adria whispered, bouncing Jude softly as he tiredly rubbed his eyes, tears spilling from his lack of sleep, "don't cry, my little prince, don't cry."

"I'm tired," he pouted, a sob escaping his lips as his head fell onto her shoulder.

"I know baby, but we're going to see Alfie!" Adria grinned, "don't you wanna see Alfie?"

"No," he pouted, "I want Siri," he whined.

"You want Sirius?" she asked, reaching out for Sirius as he passed her by with a bag that Douglas had packed for Jude quickly, "he wants you."

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