Poems - 104.

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Chapter 104

"I'm sorry,"


"No, Ads, I'm sorr-"

"Divination is important, Re-"

"Adria, please!" Remus huffed, gripping her hand in his own, attracting her attention from where it was previously on her care of magical creatures revision, "look, i know you've forgiven me, but I don't feel like I deserve it, I done something terrible, I'm an idiot, a bloody idiot, and you shouldn't have just forgiven me like that-"

"Remus John Lupin, you could kill someone and I'd forgive you," Adria laughed softly, "I took plenty of time to be angry at you, and merlin I was, but I can't dwell on the past any longer, and neither should you, so please, Remus, just let it go, please? it's been weeks, Remus!"


"Let it go," Adria repeated, laughing softly as she squeezed his hand, "I'm over it, I've been over it for ages, and so has Lily, she seems very happy these days if I'm honest, must be the lack of Severus keeping her mind at ease."

"Mhmm," Remus nodded, laughing as he done so, "James seems overly happy that you aren't mad at him anymore, but I think it's just because Lily hugged him.

"Lily did what?!" Adria's eyes widened at the new news, "well, Rems, I didn't know that!"

"You didn't?" Remus scoffed, shaking his head at the nickname she had given him, "it's all he bloody goes on about."

"Doesn't surprise me, I don't think he can go a day without mentioning something remotely related to Lily," Adria giggled, rolling her eyes as she done so, "oh Lily's eyes are so beautiful, oh Lily's hair is so gorgeous, oh Lily!"

"As if you can talk, both you and Sirius are just as bad," Remus rolled his eyes, "oh, Adria done something so cute today, you should've seen it," Remus snickered, mimicking Sirius whilst Adria merely rolled her eyes.

"Oh shush, Remus," she huffed, "as if you're any better, you're like in love with Blair."

"I'm not in love with her," he replied defensively, "doesn't matter if I did anyway, why would she go out with me?"

"Because you're handsome, and funny, and sweet, and kind, and love books a little less than she does, but still tons!" Adria exclaimed, her arms flailing around before resting in the grass that they rested upon, "come on, Rems, don't tell me you don't realise that she is completely head over heels for you!"

The beeeze of the approaching summer was enough to get the two teenagers outside, seeing as the sunnier days where drawing in, they thought it would be much better to try and study out on the bright day.

And whilst at first it was rather lovely feeling the warm breeze against their bare skin, it got kind of out of hand when their notes started flying everywhere. But nonetheless, the two best friends where mostly enjoying each other's company, seeing as they had both been so busy with O.W.L revision - which they where of course supposed to be doing - they both felt that they had barely any chance to talk.

"That is complete-"

"ley true!" Adria smirked, finishing off his sentence in a way he definitely wasn't going to, "Remus, please, you deserve to be happy and I know Blair makes you just that!"

"Mhmm, maybe," Remus mumbled, the blush that spread over his cheeks was completely evident to Adria, and the smile that widened on her lips was enough to make Remus turn his head, a little embarrassed that he was letting his emotions get the better of him.

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