Poems - 174.

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[Countdown to completion, chapter 4]

Chapter 174

A sigh left Adria's lips as she tapped her pen on the pages in front of her, she was ready to fall asleep with her head-on Remus as they sat in the library with Lily, Isaac, Lia and Alina. All of them had to study one way or another, and whilst they knew that it was all too important, seeing as herself, Remus and Lily had newts, she really couldn't bring herself to think long enough to write out any more of her notes from her classes, she had studied so much she wondered if there was possibly anything else she needed to know.

"When did you do that?" Adria finally asked, lifting her head to stare at Lia across from her, who was in the middle of running her hand through her - now shorter - hair. She had even slightly darkened the colour of blue that ran through her hair, and now her previously long hair fell just above her shoulders in small curls, it really was lovely, and Adria had yet to comment on it, "it's really nice, I like it!"

"Why thank you," Lia laughed softly, sitting down her pen which Adria had given her, "I did it last month, I'm sure, I was getting bored of it lying lifeless, had to take action."

"Well, I love it," Isaac piped in from his space next to Adria, his legs draping over hers and Honeydukes best chocolate covering his part of the table, as well as a letter Adria hadn't taken notice of, "it adds to your all around badass look, if I do say so myself."

Alina couldn't help but scoff, her eyes wide at the boy who was obliviously munching on his chocolate, "Lia as a badass, I think not!"

"What are you trying to say?!" Lia gasped, turning to the girl with shock across her features, "are you trying to tell me that I am not a badass, because Alina Faith Hopkins, that is exactly what I am!"

"You saw a dog near the black lake the other day and cried because you hadn't seen one since summer," Alia giggled, watching Lia's cheeks heat up when the group couldn't help but laugh, though Adria and Remus couldn't help but share a look with each other.

"A dog, you say?" asked Remus, his eyebrows raised, "how in the bloody hell did a dog get into Hogwarts, what did it look like?!"

"Oh, not just a dog!" Alina gasped, wide eyed, "bloody hell there was a cat too-"

"It was a white cat, and it looked so fluffy and small and the dog was black and scruffy, they ran away though, but I'm almost positive that the cat was chasing the dog, poor thing," Lia gigged, completely oblivious to Adria who had to cover her mouth to stop her laughing.

She was, in fact chasing Sirius in her animagus form because he had attempted to push her into the black lake, and she was not happy about it in the slightest, though she got him back when James joined in on the fun, she had to admit that it must have looked entirely odd to see a cat and a stag chasing a black dog around.

"Merlin," Adria giggled, shaking her head, "sounds like an eventful two animals."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Remus nodded, nudging Adria as subtly as possible who soon shared a smirk with him.

"You know, if I don't have to learn about seeing the future anymore, I would be a happy boy!" Isaac exclaimed, his head falling onto Adria beside him, who in turn, patted his head.

"Poor boy," Adria tutted.

"Maybe if you didn't continue with Divination this wouldn't have happened," Lily piped in, finally giving up like her friends did long ago, and sitting down her pen onto the table in front of her. Her hand was aching terribly from the amount of writing she did, she liked to write down everything she had to study in her best attempt at remembering what she had to do, but she couldn't deny that it really hurt her in the end to do so.

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